Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,44

would be her downfall.

When a hand pressed lightly on my forehead, I couldn't help but open my eyes slowly to see Viktor facing me. His closeness was one thing, but his expression was hard to read. It was as if he were attempting to decide something, or maybe he was dealing with a mental conflict I couldn't figure out.

"Viktor," I whispered.

"You have to make sure you sleep when all of this is over."

"Why do I have a feeling you're trying to hint that I look horrendous?"

He actually smirked - just slightly enough to make his silver eyes twinkle while they remained locked on mine.

"Even on the verge of death you somehow manage to be as attractive as ever."

"Now you're just sucking up." I quietly laughed.

"It'll get me a bonus," he replied with an added wink.

"Trust me, I'll triple your salary after this deal," I tossed out the idea again. "I think guarding me is going to be more of a pain of the ass." I noticed his smile fell, and there was that same conflicting dance of energy in those metallic orbs. "Viktor?"

"Why do you make me want to screw up this bodyguard role for my own sanity?" The question was spoken so quietly, if I wasn't mere centimeters away, I most certainly would have missed it.

"Or your cock's?" I tossed back with a smug smile, and he rolled his eyes at my statement.

"My cock is perfectly intact, Willow."

I was going to be bold - real fucking bold. I moved right against him. My hands rested on his shoulders, and I continued to stare up into his eyes. He wasn't rigid, but he remained absolutely still as if he were assessing just how far I'd take this test of mine.

I was sure he knew I could feel his hardness, just like how I could feel the beat of his heart as it picked up the pace. I couldn't calm my own heart rate as my eyes lowered to his slightly parted lips. I had to stand my ground because I couldn't fuck this up.

Fuck us up...

If I caved and destroyed our work relationship thanks to this 'crush' that kept growing into an inconvenient emotional rollercoaster of lust, what would happen?

What could happen?

"Willow." Viktor's voice was tender but held a strand of warning. Probably because I'd involuntarily moved on my own, and my lips were mere centimeters from his now.

Oh fuck...I'm so fucking this up.

The elevator suddenly jolted, making me screech as I crashed right into Viktor. His arm was already hooked around me protectively as he looked over his shoulder to see the emergency stop button was reset.

"Tsk. Someone restarted the elevators."

"Great," I huffed as we began to go down. But then I noticed the sudden slowness which made my eyes widen. "Shit! The elevator is going to stop!"

Viktor bit his lip, and I decided I was about to improvise like I was in a club trying to save Aurelia from getting us into mega shit.

The elevator came to a stop on floor fifty-five. I noticed Viktor was ready to pull out his gun from his holster, but I swiftly hooked my arms around his neck - triggering him to look down at me just as the doors began to open.

Then I pulled him down for a smothering kiss.

My poor bodyguard didn't stand a damn chance against these lips. His body was now as rigid as a rock, as two individuals looked questioningly our way. I broke the kiss briefly and leaned over to blink my eyes innocently.

"Are you coming in or what?" My pitch was surely an octave higher, while I blinked my eyes that I knew were a vivid pink with my magic. Pure white strands fell to the sides, their long, glimmering shine catching the men in black's attention for a brief moment.

"No?" I pressed and pouted. "You're interrupting."

The two men gave each other a look. One of them was still pressing the button to keep the doors open. "Why are you using these elevators?" the one who was giving off a tough exterior barked out.

I rolled my eyes and only hugged Viktor even tighter against me.

"What do you think a guy on his break’s gotta do to get a brief fucking from his visiting girlfriend?" I tossed back. "Use the elevator no one is using. Besides, last time I checked, the other elevators were being investigated, and if you think I'm going to climb sixty-nine flight of steps to be fucked in the stairwell, it ain't

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