Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,27

there when we were kids. It's not going to change now that we’re adults."

Glancing slightly over my shoulder, I saw her appreciative expression and whispered, "You'll get your pack back. All we need is to make our grand statement."

Looking away, I decided to add a final note. "He never stopped loving you." A moment of silence went by before I finished. "Your words will do nothing to stop him from claiming what he wholeheartedly waited for all this while. That's a fact."

I slid the door open and walked into the room, then closed it quietly and locked it in place.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep inhale and let the tension all out.

"You're a good friend, Onyx."

My wolf's acknowledgment made me smile as my eyes drifted to my sleeping Sugar.

That's thanks to the girl who taught me how to be a good friend. A girl named Willow.

Beads of water continued to run down my muscled body, taking away any dirt, specks of dust, or lingering droplets of dried blood.

The blood of any who defied us.

I hadn't enjoyed a long shower like this in a good while, and yet it felt like a must for what was approaching - the clock ticking, second by second, in anticipation of a grand jubilee of uprising. I could sense the others in the pack, all of them attending to what needed to be done.

When this was all over, we'd be drained after being awake for more the thirty hours, but it would all be worth it when we obtained what we've been striving for.

I knew wasting time in the shower was stealing time away from fucking Willow, but I wanted to give her a bit more time to rest. When she slept all curled up in the sheets with her arms hugging her pillow, it was an internal struggle to slip her out of her serene slumber to dive into the world of pleasure.

My cock would surely claim revenge on me if it could, but with this mate bond, I could sense just how drained Willow was.

I can feel everything.

Her strengths, weaknesses, happiness, and sadness, I could pick up on her frustration, her exhaustion, and the immense regret she still carried within her heart after what she'd committed. She knew it was wrong, to be a fallen soldier to the enemy of mental health.

She wasn't wrong for falling. She was wrong for thinking not one single person would dive forward to catch her when her knees buckled and her shoulders couldn't carry the weight of this world any longer.

She was wrong in thinking I wouldn't be there to catch her.

Before, I would have been angry. I would have tortured her and marked every inch of her body with wounds until she acknowledged who she belonged to - that I never gave her permission to die without me - but I knew better.

I got a glimpse of the way her mind processed things. The way it spiraled in worry while she silently stood there with a powerful front that masked everything she felt. No matter if she was in physical pain or emotionally hurting, she'd stand her ground so no one could take advantage of her.

She'd been doing that since the day she'd died in the frigid waters, but the ultimate rejection from the pack she’d finally begun to feel safe within had tipped the brink of sanity and left her in a hopeless bubble she didn't expect to be trapped in.

A trap that she somehow survived.

I was giving her a few more minutes to be lost in her dreams. To allow her body to rest in comfort, knowing she was safe lying in those sheets and that no one would rip that serenity from her.

Not even me...for once.

Closing my eyes, I tilted my head upward, the beads of steaming warmth drenching my face as they ran through my drenched hair and down my chiseled body.

There was so much to think about and no time to bother - enough worries to fill a well, but any more and it would overflow.

My frustrations brewed from the endless reminders of how fucked up this world was. That no matter where you ran to or how long you ran for, your past - whether remembered or forgotten - would find you at the brink of tranquility, and you'd either survive the burdens of garbage it delivered or suffer the ultimate price of being too weak to endure it all.

I wouldn't dare succumb to such scrutiny, but the thought

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