Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,253

got rid of those who deserved to be consumed by death for their selfish actions.

I didn't know how long I was there for, crying my eyes out while cradling her. I thought I was alone, but I noticed the bulky man was still there at a distance. He stood there with his back facing us as if he were trying to debate whether to leave or finish me off as well.

I didn't care. He could take me out of the world so Willow wouldn't have to ascend alone. I could be there with her. Be by her side like I'd always wanted. It would be less scary that way, and it felt like the best thing to do.

The man turned around and began walking towards me. I let out my last bit of sobs as I reached out with my shaking hand to close Willow's eyes. She didn't need to see my end, or at least, her body that was strong enough to bring her to this point in time didn't deserve to watch what would happen next.

I wouldn't die with my head down. I'd shield her body from what was approaching, so at least the others in the pack could give her the proper burial she deserved.

When this man reached us, I took in the scar across his left eye, while his right one was specifically focused on Willow. I didn't know this man's story, but from the burn marks around his neck, I realized he had to have been the one wearing the magic collar.

I fought against the anger brewing within myself. The boiling rage that knew even in her last minutes of life, she was doing everything she could to try and save another broken wolf in this world of dark chaos.

The man scanned Willow's body until he stopped at her ribs. Then he looked at my neck, and finally, met my narrowed gaze of fury.

His head was cloaked with some sort of black cloth, but his face was visible enough, while his eye of one with a golden ring locked onto my orbs that were surely blazing silver.

"Why are you giving up?" his rough, deep voice demanded.

I growled back at him. He was the cause of this and yet he was trying to throw the blame on me like I'd ever give up on Willow. I didn't have the ability to bring someone back from the dead. I wasn't capable of such a task.

If her soul wasn't gone from her body, I could heal her, but it was far too late for that. My magic was worthless now, and it wished to take out its fury on the world as a hint of compensation.

"I know that symbol," the man declared. "Just like I know that mark on her rib. You're a Master. She's a Disciple. Why aren't you retrieving her before it's too late?" He was practically screaming at me, and I couldn't keep quiet any longer.

"You're the reason she's dead and you're trying to put this on me? Her soul is gone! I can't heal her!"

"If her soul is gone, then retrieve it!"

"Are you fucking insane? I don't have the magical power to retrieve her soul!"

"If I can do it, you surely can," he huffed.

My eyes widened at his words and I stared back at Willow. "Now I understand why that cunt bitch of a queen wants you dead so bad."

He took another step forward and suddenly knelt down. He was going to touch her, but I growled in warning. He met my eyes that glared daggers in return, but he wasn't afraid of me in the slightest.

"If you want her back, I need to touch her," he emphasized as his eye narrowed.

"You're the reason she's dead," I snarled.

"I won't deny that," he actually admitted. "But I'll be the same reason she has a chance at life."

"What are you plotting?"

He paused with his hand over her chest, just above her cleavage.

"I'm plotting redemption," he whispered quietly to himself before he closed his eye. "I can only do this once and I'll be incapable of moving with this ability in full effect," he announced.

When he opened his eye once more, I noticed it was pitch black and the ring was now silver instead of gold. "I'm a Reaper Wolf of the Shadows. Do you know what type of wolf that is?"

My eyes widened at the mere mention of reaper, and he gave a slight smirk that made his eye twinkle with a glimmer of hope.

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