Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,247

there a way to get it off?

I was still trying to figure out how I was going to get my ass out of this situation, but the mere sight of the collar around this man's neck and knowing someone like that Beta Bitch had control to hurt him was grinding my fucking fears.

I’d known she'd be a pain in the ass sooner or later, but the fact that she was working with the enemy while being so fucking close to Papa Dearest and our Pack House was a fucking no-no.

"Intense magic. If you overwrote it with a powerful spell, it would release without the sacrifice of the captured."

"Sacrifice of the captured?" I repeated out loud. I lifted my gaze up to see the man arch an eyebrow at me while his one eye held enough judgment to carry the weight of his closed one.

"You can't be a savior to everyone, Sweets," he muttered.

"So that's sticking, huh?" I concluded.

"Guess it is until you die," he concluded.

"Awww. Are you actually going to kill me?"

"No," he replied. "But I'm not staying to see what happens. Like you said, my deadline is almost up."

Two hours.

"Where are we?"

"Mount Marcy," he announced. "Only thing close to a mountain. Would have been in Russia, but someone's little light show fucked over the signals for bigger flights."

"You said you jumped out of a jet," I voiced.

"Jets are easier to manipulate with magic," he countered.

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Milo was with your group," he announced, which caught my attention. "If he's with you, that means you're exactly who everyone's trying to get a piece of."

"And you don't want a piece?" I asked.

He actually took his time to reply. "Trust me, Sweets. I'd have a very big piece, but I suck at commitment." He pointed at his collar. "I'm someone else's plaything."

That actually made me frown and I was reaching for it before I could think. He stopped my right hand before it could get any further, his eye locking onto my royal bond mark. He didn't say anything, but I could tell he was intrigued.

A mangled howl came from the distance, loud enough that I shivered at the eerie sound.

He let go of my hand to tsk. "Out of time already. I delayed too long."

I needed to reach Dimitris or the pack.

Guys? Anyone? Hello?!

"Why can't I contact my pack?" I asked worriedly.

"It's temporary," he muttered. "A big pain in the ass, really."

"Meaning we're fucked?"

"No," he grumbled. "I'm fucked. You need to get out of here."

"Wait. I can't just leave you."

"Are you absolutely stupid?"

"No," I replied. "I have a few psychological issues, but I'm smart as fuck."

The stare he gave only made me pout back – until another eerie howl pierced the chilled night air. "What's your name, by the way?"

"I don't have enough tolerance to keep you around," he concluded.

"Now that's just mean," I reasoned. "I was just asking your name."

He shook his head but muttered, "Loki. Now, go away."

"I'm staying right here, Loki," I encouraged. "Besides, I'm pretty good at fighting."

"You're not good at fighting mutant wolf shifters," he muttered and grabbed my hand.

"Mutant wha-AH!" I shrieked because he literally threw me up in the air like I was a fucking twig - my back just an inch below the rather sharp ceiling of spikes before I was plummeting down to the ground.

I couldn't do anything - not like I had to - as I crashed into a solid surface of fur.

"Holy fucking shit," I cursed and looked down to the white wolf beneath me. The massive creature was probably triple my wolf size. If it wasn't for the wolf collar with massive spikes, I wouldn't have thought this man was Loki from how pure white his fur was.

It literally reminded me of mine, only the ends were a mix of midnight purple and black. I noticed one thing that was rather obvious against his white coat: the multiple red scars - some still fresh and others that had never really healed.

He was stretching his body and shaking himself out. I couldn't help but reach out and lightly press on the wounded part. He froze - a growl escaping his throat. I couldn't help but whisper, "Who hurt you?"

Bria was up and way closer to the surface than I'd like in a situation like this, but for some odd reason, the sight of such a large wound angered her - and me.

"Did the Vile Queen do this to you?" I couldn't stop

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