Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,241

a potential shot at Alpha. I wouldn't discount Dimitris because I could give him credit: he was unexpectedly an amazing Alpha. He carried a level of balance between the realms of anger and calm that made him calculating and powerful at the same time.

What threw many off was his obvious anger, which made people think he was stupid, but it was all a ploy.

He paid attention to the fine details no one else did.

"There's no other way?" Onyx questioned. He was probably trying to vouch for me, but he knew that if I had to for the sake of Willow's survival, I'd do it.

"No," Milo admitted. "I'm not doing this to try to join your pack. It's just the only option. I haven't been to the fae realms in a year. My magic isn't close to powerful enough to scout all of NYC in a matter of minutes."

"Fae can do that?" Aurelia inquired.

Milo nodded. "Everything around us is energy. It's why I need to be in a connective bond with Viktor involved. The new pull into the pack will temporarily heighten his magic even further. That will trigger the connection he carries with Willow. Distance isn't a problem, but with the spiked connection between them since they've triggered the bond, and with the wolf pack further strengthening it, I should be able to specifically track Willow's location, regardless if they're flying somewhere else in the world. The moment I have the location, I can teleport us to somewhere close. When we arrive, Viktor would be the fastest to locate her because the magic connection will be pulsing to be reunited. It only occurs with newly formed fated bonds. At least, that's what I know from gossip in the torture centers."

"Why were they talking about that in there?" I had to ask.

"The Vile Queen has been trying to force some sort of bond with that guy with the scar," Milo announced. "There's a significant reason, like he's from some endangered pack that is super rare. That's why I'm not sure he'll kill Willow. He may follow orders when the Vile Queen is around, but behind the scenes, he does his own thing, and that can potentially benefit us."

"So when we arrive and potentially confront him, do we kill him?"

"No," Milo admitted. "If we can avoid it, don't. Many say he's one of the closest to the Vile Queen. If he isn't a lethal threat, he could be used against the Vile Queen or at least know enough for us to figure out her identity."

"I guess that's our game plan," Saint whispered.

"We need to hurry," Jayce replied. "The magic grid is going to be taken down in two hours. If they're flying, it has to be around NYC, like in a jet or helicopter."

"Why?" Milo questioned.

"No international flights can be run during a magic grid. They shut everything down. They can fly to the outskirts of NYC where the mountains and lakes are, but nothing further," Jayce deciphered.

"Aurelia," Onyx pressed. "Are you able to still come with us?"

"If you think I can deal with Coven shit when my best friend is missing then you really forgot what a Ride-or-Die bitch is, Onyx," she snapped.

"Right, right," Onyx brushed off and looked seriously at me. "I know you're not going to like joining a pack, Viktor, but in this case, you're the only one who can find Willow."

Find Willow...

I had no choice. I'd promised her I'd always find her, and no way would I turn my back on her now. She needed me - needed her pack to come through for her - and though the idea frightened me, I wouldn't let my fear stop me from saving the woman I cared for.

It was my fault that she'd been taken. It's my duty to get her back.

"Once we save Willow, I'm out," I voiced specifically to Dimitris.

Everyone else looked at him, probably out of worry. I knew I'd be risking it by joining and shortly leaving a pack. It could literally drive me insane. But he needed to know that it would be temporary for Willow's sake.

"I can agree to that," Dimitris sternly declared. "I won't be able to do it immediately. That's just suicide. I'll need a day or two to recover, but if you want out, I'll grant you that."

I nodded once and swallowed the lump in my throat. I knew him being my Alpha would mean he'd see my past, know my darkest secrets, and get a glimpse of my fucked-up

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