Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,215

close against our body that left us transfixed on her.

I nudged her lightly and licked a part of her head where her fur was out of place, and she howled in happiness before she finally relaxed.

Together, we watched every bit of the sunrise, and though I used to see this very sight over and over again in the past, today felt different.

Felt special.

It was my first time watching the sunrise with another woman - a female wolf that I was interested in. That had to be some sort of progress, and it made me realize she was the first one to share a glass of milk with me since my ex-mate.

Little by little, I was progressing from the past, and it was interesting to acknowledge. When the sun was well into the sky, I caught onto the bone cracking to my side. Looking to my left, I acknowledged the curled-up woman, her naked flesh glimmering under the sunlight.

I was surprised that Willow was completely asleep, but the sight made us wrap our body around her as if to keep her warm. I didn't want to leave so soon, wanting to cherish this moment a little longer.

I'd made so much progress with being in Willow's presence for a few short hours, and it made me crave more of these intimate moments. We’d had our share of intimacy with kisses and touches, but we also enjoyed the wild parts of wolf nature, and it was beyond satisfying.

Eventually, I shifted back, and with ease, I picked her up in my arms. With one last look at the glorious sun, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Let that shining light heal your broken heart. Allow yourself...to be loved...to be...free."

"Guess it's really time for me to move on," I whispered. I didn't even realize tears were already running down my cheeks. "It's healing. My broken heart. Slowly...but surely. It will heal."

Then...I'll allow myself to be loved...and eventually...be free from my haunting past.


Hunted Royalty And Outcasted Fate



I almost choked on my own vomit as I gagged and let the next stream of what I ate for breakfast out into the toilet. It took me five minutes of breathing exercises to feel like I wasn't going to pass right out.

I was already working overtime to ensure Dimitris, Onyx, Neo, Saint, and anyone else didn't feel my discomfort. I knew Viktor wouldn't be around until later. He'd dropped me off this morning and assigned Jayce to keep an eye on me during the day while he went and did some outside business.

The type of business was beyond me.

Normally I didn't care what he did when I was working, but today was one of those fucked-up days that pissed off every nerve-ending I carried. If he'd at least tell me where he as going off to, I may not mind as much, but this behavior of his started the moment he returned from Russia and I didn't like it one bit.

He was my bodyguard, after all. Why the fuck was he coming and going? What other commitment did he have that didn't revolve around me?

Okay, maybe I was just a bit jealous because I worried that he was potentially seeing someone during work hours. I mean, it wasn't something to completely discard in the list of possibilities, especially since he came back from Russia, where he surely had plenty of connections.

Connections with plenty of women who could spark something interesting.

The thought made me grit my teeth in anger before the lights in the washroom began to flicker on and off. Rolling my eyes, I slowly got off my knees and decided to magically change my entire outfit.

I normally didn't like using my magic to do common deeds, but today was just one of those fucked-up days when I needed a damn break.

I'm not pregnant, Bria.

That was a definite no. I knew from puberty age that I wouldn't be able to conceive as easily as humans or other wolf shifters. My first "suicide-turned-murder" attempt had done a number on my body, which included my vital organs, like my uterus. But with the help of magic, it was restored without too much scar tissue.

The involvement of magic aiding in the reconstruction process meant no periods - thank fucking goodness cause no one got time for that - but it also made it even harder to get pregnant.

Regardless of the almost impossible chance, I'd let Aurelia place a semi-permanent spell on me a few months after we officially became friends.

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