Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,154

Willow beamed at Aurelia's return, ditching Onyx, who was chuckling at the obvious switch of love as Willow hugged Aurelia and they began to dance.

Onyx decided to approach us and stopped the approaching waiter to request she get him a drink. Reaching our booth, he didn't hesitate to sit down.

"I didn't take into consideration how dangerous drunk Willow is," he announced with a sigh. "She spotted me before I could blend in."

By blend in, he meant using the shadows of his own dangerous magic to shield him from the rest of the world.

"She wasn't like this last time," Saint noted.

Onyx smirked at the memory and replied, "Willow has phases of drunken stupor. The environment is overstimulating her senses so it makes her giddy and excited. It's also been a long fucking time since she's had fun."

He glanced over at his mate. She was jumping up and down and dancing with Aurelia, the two of them jamming to the dance-pop melody with many of the other individuals on the dance floor.

"Neo already got the target, from what Aurelia stated," Saint quietly muttered to Onyx.

"I'd expect him to say something," Onyx admitted. "Is he okay?

He had a good point, so I decided to check in.


No response.


Again, ignored. I looked to Saint and then Onyx. Clearly, my expression was worried enough for them to seek Neo through the wolf bond.

"Neo?" Saint questioned.

"What's wrong?" Jayce asked.

"Neo isn't responding," I voiced with a hint of irritation.

I could feel Jayce's concern, and the fact Neo didn't say anything now had my alert sirens on.

"Can you locate him?" Onyx questioned.

"Already on it, but can Willow find him? It would be faster. There's a bunch of magic marker shit in the map. It's throwing coordinates way off."

Onyx was already up and moving back to Willow and Aurelia. He approached her far gentler in comparison to how he moved with haste from our booth to the dancefloor - his arm hooking around her as he pressed her against him to whisper into her ear.

She paused in dancing to listen, and I expected her to freak out but she suddenly giggled.

Slipping out of Onyx's hold, she was off on a dancing hunt, her hips moving with the music as she moved almost hypnotically through the dance floor to a set of stairs. All we could do was watch, noticing how she was trying to enter the elite floor, which had an open balcony to see everything in the club as well as an outdoor sector.

The tall man in a black suit eyed her and clearly said something, but she giggled and seductively flipped her hair before crossing her arms over her chest. Her stance suddenly vibrated with pure Alpha energy as she tilted her head enough to make the man pale in nervousness.

It would have been smart of him to just save his soul and move out of the way, but he somehow managed to stand long enough for a man in a red suit to arrive.

A man in a red suit and black glasses.

My relief seemed to be shared by the rest of our pack at the sight of Neo as he said something to the guard, who quickly bowed his head at least five times in apology and practically jumped out of the way.

Willow smirked in pure defiance before that Alpha energy turned right off. Like a switch, she was back to her seductive, drunk self as she practically tackled Neo. It took me only a second to see the sudden difference in his aura, and now I knew why he hadn't been answering.

"It's Nico," I announced, and it seemed to click with Saint and Onyx while Jayce questioned, "So Willow found him."

"Ya. He's in the elite section," Saint replied. "Sleek fucker. How did we not see that spot?"

"Royals only." Nico decided to enter the conversation just as he hooked an arm around Willow and looked right over at us. His smile was pure mischief. "Target already disposed of. Don't bother hurting your pretty minds with weak rats."

He moved to kiss Willow's forehead, and she said something to actually make his lips quirk up.

She then pointed down while saying something, and Nico's eyes landed on Onyx. He then smirked, while Onyx pouted with an arched brow.

"If that ain't suspicious," Onyx concluded but walked over to the stairs.

"Where's he going?" Aurelia inquired, but we couldn't help but just watch and see what Nico was planning for Onyx as he reached the guard, who literally flinched at Onyx's approached. The

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