Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,142

sister." I decided to go along with it.

"Mhmm! Ruby said it's okay to speak about it with you. I'll be attending to Ruby's sister’s needs once she's passed the conditions of the royal family."

"Conditions?" I inquired.

"Yes! Every royal family has various conditions. Some just do a test, like a written knowledge test of the royal hierarchy, but those who are closer to the top of that scale are put in the spotlight for their tests," she disclosed. "I'm sure she'll be tested one way or another."

"Interesting," I replied. "So the meaning of your visit is?"

"AH! Right! Um," she quickly shuffled back to her previous spot and picked up her items, "Miss Phoenix wanted me to formally invite you to participate in her runway event! She's officially launching her brand, Phoenix Rise, which will cater to the luxurious and rich. Seeing as you're not only a celebrity but also among royal members, she requested I get your measurements."

"Does that need to be done today?" I inquired. "I haven't reviewed my schedule and in order to proceed, wouldn't I have to accept the invitation?"

She blinked as if it didn't click into place until I brought it up.

"OH NO! Y-Y-You didn't get the official invite?! I sent it weeks ago! I'm sure of it."

"It probably got lost in the mail," I reasoned.

"No! I came directly here to drop it off. I gave it to a man holding a bouquet of roses. He said he was your boyfriend."

Saint chuckled through the wolf bond, and of course, the culprit had to question the sudden amused sound.

"Why are you laughing?" Dimitris inquired.

Oh, I don't know. Maybe he's amused by this apparent invite I'm supposed to have regarding a fashion show?

He didn't say anything and I merely smirked.

"He probably thought it was a love letter and didn't want a woman confessing her immense love to you," Saint hummed.

"Get back to work," Dimitris huffed.

We'll discuss this later then, Dimitris.

Again, he didn't respond, but my instinct told me he was surely blushing wherever he was. The power difference between William and Willow against Dimitris was probably the highlight of our connection because I couldn't help but push all his buttons while flirtatiously teasing him.

"He must have taken the letter for my review but due to some business changes, I haven't been able to attend to that pile of importance," I summarized. "Can you come back on a later date for measurements?"

"There's no way for me to take them now?" she inquired nervously. "Miss Phoenix takes two months to work on specific fashion designs, especially for the male category. She wants to put extra emphasis on the piece she's designing for you. If I can just get your clothing sizes and maybe your belt size, that would be enough until I can return after the holidays to do official measurements," she suggested.

She quickly retrieved her measuring tape, but I looked down at Saint, who gave me a nervous look.

If she comes over here, she'll see Saint.

I rose up abruptly. Whitney paused in her movement as I began to unbuckle my belt. Her face went from shocked to burning red as I slipped the belt off. The move was a bit dominant in nature; the action was purposely slow while my eyes remained on her scorching red face.

I unbuttoned my pants, and purposely lowered the zipper slowly, the office silence emphasizing the slow zipping sound.

"S-S-S-Sir! What are you doing?" Whitney stuttered before she covered her face. I let the pants fall to the floor, noticing the way Saint was clearly giving me that 'what the flying fuck has gotten into you' look while I merely smirked, lifted my feet out of the designer fabric, and picked it up while giving Saint a wink.

Whitney was still covering her face as I easily folded the attire and placed it on the desk. Rolling up the belt, I placed it on top and sat back into my seat. Rolling in to make sure I didn't nudge Saint with my knees, I leaned back into the chair and picked my pen up to spin it in my grasp.

Whitney finally took a peek to realize I was sitting and giving her a taunting smile.

"There. Those pants were fitted by a designer in Paris. The belt is also custom-made to fit the third hole. Shirt size is medium, but if you want that too, just ask."

She gawked at me while lowering her gaze to the folded pants and belt.

"N-No! That's more than enough,” she declared and scurried

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