Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,140

push me to be bold. Competitive. Defiant in nature while there's a desire of passion that begs to be tamed. Compared to you, Jayce, and even Viktor, there's that side that yearns for connection. To learn about each of you, the pasts you've endured, and the personalities you carry in the form of your expressions. You're always playful with smiles, Jayce is normally angry or calculating, and Viktor is serious with that aura of mystery. With you three, I want to learn more with the option of unraveling the truths to each of you, and that will bring us closer."

Lowering my head, I noticed how intensely he listened to every word while his attention was on me.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that, truthfully, I can see myself dating each of you, but it'll probably take me time. Moments to get lost in the sexual tension and passion, while other times we’ll enjoy shared opportunities. I have nothing against us kissing or doing stuff in between, and if something leads to sex, so be it. I feel like Dimitris, our current Alpha, knows that I'm comfortable with everyone in the pack so...maybe that just spreads through the bond in a way."

"So if I was interested in dating you in my unique way, you'd be up for it?"

"Unique way?" I inquired but quirked up a smile. "Ya. I'm up for anything as long as it doesn't land me on the murder block. I don't think my mates would like that and I doubt we want to see Dimitris pop a vessel or two."

Saint chuckled. "Ya. Angry Dimitris is a bit lethal to those on the receiving end."

"He doesn't seem very dangerous," I admitted.

Saint's smile faded as he met my curious eyes. "Out of all of us, Dimitris is actually the most dangerous."

I moved to put my elbows on the desk while lowering my head like I was running my hand through my pink to white locks. My eyes were still focused on Saint's, who was shadowed by my figure.

"More dangerous than you, Jayce, and even Neo?"

He slowly nodded. "Sometimes he acts weak, but that's simply because he's not using a hint of his real Alpha power. Have you noticed he tries not to talk through the pack bond unless for serious scenarios?”

"I've noticed," I admitted.

"There's a deeper reasoning to that. Maybe he'll eventually show you a bigger glimpse of his power. You may have not seen the potential when he helped you in the Alpha Forest, but trust me, Dimitris is Alpha of our Forbidden Pack for a reason," he emphasized. "Even if a rebellious Wilting Flower grinds his Alpha gears and makes him want to switch positions."

"Dimitris wouldn't become a Beta," I voiced.

"If it meant we'd be safer from our enemies, he would," Saint countered. "Dimitris doesn't care about power as long as those he loves are safe. One loss almost killed him. I don't think he can afford to lose another person he cares dearly for. Even if we're the Forbidden Pack and have agreed that there's a chance any one of us could perish during each dangerous exchange we deal with, I can't discount the fact that the reality of any of our deaths would ruin Dimitris."

"Who did he lose?" I inquired, but there was a knock on the door.

My eyebrow arched and Saint got on his knees to try to crawl out, but the door was already opening.


I scooted right in, spreading my legs further out so they wouldn't knock into Saint, who was probably forced to sit back on his knees to not hit his head against the inner roof of the desk.

The look I gave the guard was intense enough for him to flinch before he quickly apologized.

"I'm terribly sorry, sir. Your last scheduled appointment is here. They tried to call you from downstairs to let you know, but the phone was engaged.

My sour expression only made him bow in respect. "Again, sir. I'm sorry!"

"Let them in," I huffed.

Saint? You're gonna have to stay down there for a bit.

I hadn't used the pack communication in a good while, but it seemed to get to him because he replied, "Don't worry, William. I'm comfortable. Be wary of this individual. Their magic is strong."

That warning made me sit up taller as I placed my arms on my desk and dropped my pen in case I needed both hands for this last meeting.

The security guard was probably waiting for me to be visibly prepared before bringing

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