Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,121

Willow's care rather than the other way around?

"Willow ain't no weak bitch and her patience for all those who mocked her existence is as thin as a slice of plastic wrap," my wolf concluded. "Now move your ass. Our ride is here and I want another glimpse of Willow's sexiness."

Tame yourself or I'll lock you up for a week in there.

"Protective fool."

I didn't say anything as I looked down the hall to see Willow was leaning against the wall in front of the elevator with her eyes closed. Even a simple position like that made her look outstanding from afar, and I wondered how long I could be silent about my true feelings.

Fool me once, shame on you.

"We need someone driving us back because?"

"They don't want you trying to figure out the exact path to this place," I replied as the sunset rays finally washed into the car after twenty minutes of darkness in the tunnels.

"That's dumb," Willow voiced. "I mean, we were able to drive here in the comfort of our own car, but need to be driven back? That's fishy to me." She sounded extra cranky at the moment, while her eyes were lazily staring at the soundproof, tinted divider that was currently up so the driver couldn't hear our conversation.

"Are you tired?"

"Very," she huffed. "That bitched ticked me off."

"Felicia is a disturbance on the regular," I assured her. "Roberto tries not to deal with her."

"How did she become Beta? Sleep with everyone?" she huffed impatiently. "If it wasn't for my slight sanity, I would have killed her for fun."

"I feel as though you're getting used to the idea of killing if necessary," I voiced.

"I've always been fine with killing anyone," she voiced with a shrug. "Only difference now is I have two mates who encourage it through our bond and a pack who couldn’t care less about who I kill. They would help me get rid of the body," she elaborated. "Neo romantically said if I killed Felicia, we'd have a paint date just so he could use her blood to paint me on his biggest canvas."

"And that turned you on?" I questioned though I already knew the answer.

"C'mon. It's kind of hot and romantic," she suggested. "Who would kill the person who disrespected you, drag their body to their art studio, and draw you using the victim's blood?"

My actual disgust made her giggle.

"Okay, it's a bit fucked up, but when Neo's in the picture, it's fucking hot."

"Let's hope that's the last time you deal with her," I concluded and hoped for her own sake, she left Willow alone.

"See? Now you’re jinxing it." Willow sighed. "I thought Elizabitch was going to leave me alone and look what happened. Ordered me to be tossed into the ocean, and then had the nerve to act like she was Willow De Luca to claim my family's empire. I've seen desperate, but man. I wouldn't expect something like that from someone who was originally a guy and is still lusting over my Alpha."

"Your Alpha?" I smirked at her last bit and she pouted her lips for a few seconds before turning away to look at the view of the sky.

"Hmph. I said nothing."

I decided to drop it for the sake of giving her a break. The unexpected trip after agreeing to take things slow was going to make it super easy for her to sleep tonight.

"Is there anything you want me to do in the meantime?" I inquired.

"Honestly, just rest," she confessed. "I won't be doing much tonight, and I'll be going to the mall with Aurelia on Friday. We haven't really hung out and I feel like I missed a bit too much in her life that needs addressing."

"You're going to the mall now that you've obtained new fame?" I tossed back. "And as Willow?"

"I'm hoping to hint to the media about another mall destination so the one we arrive at won't be too crowded. I'll think of something before then," she admitted as she looked away from the window to further relax against the leather seats.

"You should book the entire mall. Would make her happy."

Go away.

It was a good idea. It would ensure that Willow was secure and could actually enjoy a day of shopping. If I planned it right, I could state it was for a movie shoot. And obviously, money wasn't a problem in the slightest.

"Do it."

You realize if I do it, the credit isn't going our way. I'll probably say it's Onyx who did it or

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