Wolf Endangered (Willow's Forbidden Pack #2) - Avery Song Page 0,112

takes two blocks and is twenty floors, state-of-the-art technology, and security measures from the greatest tech from Dubai. The guy is in allegiance with the Vatican, so he made it so it's uncrackable and there's no way of getting into the code. There’ll be a glass exterior, state-of-the-art quality with various unique artwork in the lobby. Offices will reach the ninetieth floor, and the remaining ten will be luxury suites. Obviously, the top floor will be the penthouse, which has an outdoor garden, swimming pool, balcony, and private security service."

"Why do I have a strong feeling you've already made plans for us to relocate to this place?" Onyx announced. He was here with not just my food, but everyone else's.

Jayce got up to help before the table was full of food with extra plates for fruit, bread, various syrups for the pancakes, and different sweeteners for our coffee.

Once Onyx sat down, we paused in our conversation to actually eat. It was the first time we ate as a group, and even with Aurelia joining us, it didn't seem weird in the slightest.

It felt comfortingly pleasant.

The guys didn't eat much, so I did the duty of finishing everything. I was stealing a strawberry from Neo's plate when Saint looked at me like I'd done something horrifying.

"You're just going to take from Neo's plate?"

I paused in my mission to look over at him. "Hmm?"

My mouth was still stuffed with food, and I could see Jayce's amusement while Dimitris blankly stared at me.

"How did she eat everything?" Saint muttered.

"She hasn't really eaten for like two days," Jayce pointed out.

"Three if you count sleeping," Aurelia acknowledged. "Besides, a girl needs to eat! You got a problem, Holy Boy?"

"Please don't tell me we have nicknames," Saint whined.

Aurelia just smirked with pride as she pointed to Saint. "Holy Boy!" She moved to Jayce. "Fighting Nerd."

Jayce pouted his lips, which made him far too cute in my opinion, before her finger moved to Onyx. "We all know you're Bulky Jealous Fucker, but on weekends, you're Window Jumping Stalker."

"Great," Onyx replied with an eyeroll.

She moved on to Neo and just stared at him. "I don't care about you."

Saint sputtered his coffee, which made everyone else laugh.

"Neither of you are frightened of Neo," Saint whined.

"Nothing to be frightened about," I voiced after finishing my food. "He ain't going to hurt me."

"And since he won't hurt Willow, I'm going to assume I'm off the kill list. For now," Aurelia concluded.

Neo actually smirked as he leaned back in his seat to work on drinking his coffee. "Back to your diabolical plan, Saint."

"Right," he replied. "There's a very special advantage that comes with the building."

"Color me intrigued," Aurelia hummed. "Spill the deets, Holy Boy. Anything special with the Vatican behind it means it's some exquisite shit."

Saint's eyes lit up at the comment before a sly smile graced his lips.

"The building was actually magically created. Meaning as of now, the outside looks like shit, but when it's officially revealed, it'll look utterly spectacular, but that's just the tip of the iceberg," he revealed. "Apparently, this project is founded by two head leaders, one being on the High Coven Council for Magical Creatures."

"Eh?" Aurelia seemed completely intrigued. "Head Warlock Zyair?"

"Master Z for short," Saint replied. "Since he assisted with the magical creation of the building, there's no way of breaking in. Literally, anyone with ill intentions towards the residents and workers of the building, which will be filled out on a blessed scroll for the archive log, will immediately be teleported to the entrance of the building. There, it will be determined if they're arrested on sight or questioned based on their attire, any weapons they carry, and/or any internal plot that will be discovered by a mind reader during custody."

I was speechless, as was everyone else. Aurelia's mouth was even hanging open in disbelief.

"T-T-That's impossible. The Coven hasn’t been informed about it."

"You're correct. Your Coven, which sanctions witches and wolf hybrids, hasn't been informed about it. Neither has any other Coven sanction. This was strictly between the High Coven or, as I prefer to call it, the High Court, and the Vatican. I don't know why the agreement was made to invest in this building, but the location is literally minutes from Willow's building, is still in the Wall Street District, and has a good selection of wolf shifters. But get this, all the approved wolves are Omegas."

Now I was intrigued, as was Dimitris, from what I felt through the wolf bond.

"Why?" Dimitris

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