Wolf Bite (The Blue Mountain Wolf Pack #5) - Emma Dean Page 0,6

she’d woken up in a strange place that was definitely not a hospital, with people she didn’t know?

It didn’t help that the last thing she could remember was work, but since everyday was pretty much the same, there was no sense of time. It could have been last week or three months ago.

“The hospital, I guess,” Zoe finally said. “Why, what happened?”

“The hospital?” Liam asked, taking a step closer.

“Yeah, where I work. What happened?” She was getting really fucking sick of repeating herself.

Lily looked up at Alexander. “You’d be the best one to handle this.”

“Liam…” A new stranger trailed off when he entered the room and Zoe found herself staring at him, and then at Liam, frowning as she tried to get her brain to understand there were two of them. “Oh hi, I’m Noah.”

The silence was awkward.

“My twin,” Liam murmured.

“Oh really? I never would have guessed.” Zoe rolled her eyes and then crossed her arms over her chest. “You, the big guy who hasn’t told me his name yet. Explain now or I’m leaving.”

Not that she could with so many huge guys around. Again, she felt like she should probably be freaking out, but Zoe didn’t even feel anxious, just annoyed. She wanted information, and then she could figure out what the next step was.

That was her preferred mode of operation – calm in the face of chaos. After all, she was a trauma nurse. She’d seen some pretty fucked up shit. If she couldn’t keep her cool in the face of insanity she’d never have lasted.

“We found you in Silver Falls with a wolf bite,” the big man explained with that deep voice that was somehow softer than she thought it should be for how deep it was. “You’ve been in and out of consciousness for days. It looked like you were backpacking.”

Backpacking in Silver Falls.

For the first time she felt a flicker of fear as she remembered just how big those wolves had been. “And Chris?”

Shit, she’d forgotten about him. How was that even possible?

“He still hasn’t woken up, but there’s no fever. We’re not sure why when he healed before you did.” The big man shrugged and glanced over her shoulder at Liam. “And I’m Alexander by the way.”

“Where is he?” Zoe threw off the blankets and stood, but instantly felt dizzy.

Lily steadied her and pushed her back to a sitting position. “Your boyfriend is in the other room. Once you’ve eaten and we’ve finished talking you can go see him.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Zoe snapped, pushing Lily’s hands away. “Why aren’t we in a hospital? Who are you people?”

Noah gave her an amused look before going over to his brother, slapping a hand on his back harder than necessary. “Not your boyfriend huh?”

“Shut up, Noah,” Liam gritted out, crossing his arms over his chest with the first glare she’d seen from him. “There’s a lot more she needs to know.”

“Oh yeah, like what?” Zoe looked from Liam back to Alexander, wondering just how deep in the shit she was.

“Like the fact that we couldn’t take you to a hospital was because you were bitten by a wolf shifter,” Alexander said gently, placing a hand on Lily’s shoulder. It looked supportive, but it also looked like he was ready to push her behind him in case Zoe got violent.

Years of watching people meant she could read the subtle signs of body language. She could feel the tension in the room as they waited for her to respond to that, and she could sense that they all believed this was the truth.

“A wolf shifter?” Zoe met each of their eyes, trying to get a read on them. Her stint as a nurse in the psych ward meant she knew that crazy people believed the lies they told, but there was always a manic gleam that told her it wasn’t a truth that existed for anyone else.

Though some of them were really fucking amazing at hiding their crazy.

“Yes,” Liam said, his voice gentle just like it had been in her fever dreams. “We can shift between our wolf form and our human one. A bite can infect a human. Some make it, some don’t. We weren’t sure if you would.”

Why did he sound so torn up about that? They didn’t even know each other.

Zoe narrowed her eyes and looked back at Lily. “Prove it.”

“Well, I’m not a shifter,” Lily said with a nervous little laugh. “I’m a witch.” She took her necklace out from under her shirt and

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