At Wits' End - Kenzie Reed Page 0,105

the air. “Hold on to that thought. Do you smell pure evil?”

“What would pure evil smell like?” I wonder.

Brooke and Fraser slither through a crowd of tourists and pause by our table.

“Like that,” Sienna says. “Like a bottle of overpriced cologne had sex with a custom-made tracksuit.”

“Well, look who decided to come slum it in Greenvale again. Let’s see, was it two months of no training for Sienna? Too bad about the relay race,” Brooke gloats. “I guess losers gotta lose.”

Sienna smiles, baring her teeth in a half-snarl. “Yes, you do, but don’t feel too bad. We’ll leave second place wide open for you.”

“Yeah, good luck with that.” Brooke tosses her hair, then shoots Sienna a look of contempt. “If Fraser drives through some dog crap before you clean his car, that’s just too bad. And by the way, just so you know, you settled,” she sneers at me.

“Still miss me, then?” I favor her with a pitying smile. “It’s okay, Fraser’s not the worst consolation prize.”

Fraser lets out a strangled yelp of outrage.

“Oh, cool, I didn’t know we’d be enjoying dinner theater.” Sienna takes a sip of Witlocke chardonnay and smiles.

“Are you going to let him get away with that?” Brooke demands of her husband.

“Yeah, are you?” I ask him. I twist to face him, spread my arms open wide. “I’m right here.”

“I wouldn’t lower myself to his level,” Fraser says to his wife, and starts walking away fast.

“Fraser! Fraser! Get back here!” Brooke screeches, and scampers after him. “He insulted me! And you! Are you going to just stand there and take it?”

As they hurry off, the sound of her haranguing carries through the air. “You’d better win that race tomorrow, or no sex for a month!”

“Uhh…” I tap Sienna on the arm. “That was fun, but let’s be realistic. There’s no way in hell we’ll win.”

“Oh ye of little faith.” Sienna grins at me. “I never stopped jogging. I just did it in secret. After Aunt Fernanda came home, I left the treadmill in the living room and I trained when she was out of the house. I’ve gotten pretty fast, if I say so myself.”

“You… But why? I’m so happy you did, but why?”

“I honestly don’t know.” She chews her lip in contemplation. “Maybe on some level I always hoped we’d reconcile.”

I flash a big, gloating grin at her. “Or maybe I was right about how amazing it is to jog, and you learned to love it almost as much as you love me.”

“Seriously, Donovan.” She chokes on a laugh. “Tell those voices in your head that I say hi, will you?”

“I think what I just heard was, ‘You’re right as usual, light of my life.’” I grab her hand and squeeze it. “But just so you know, I am so freaking glad you kept running.”

To save our energy for the race, we only have sex one more time after dinner, and we go to bed early.

We arrive at the race track bright and early the next day, wearing our Team Rilocke T-shirts in a completely unironic fashion.

Our cheering section gathers together near the starting line. Graham is standing with my family, chatting animatedly to Jamie. She doesn’t have that look on her face that most women get when they talk to Graham – the look of confusion and alarm. Of course, we’re talking about a woman who wore tiny dancing penises on her head, in public, this entire summer. Maybe her weird is a match for Graham’s weird.

My gaze drifts over the rest of the crowd. Families eating cotton candy, couples wearing wreaths of grapes…and Carrie and Constantine standing side by side, wearing big goofy grins.

“Carrie’s buttoned her shirt up wrong,” Sienna says to me. “Should I tell her? Also, Constantine’s shirt tail is poking out of his fly.”

“Why are you looking at Constantine’s fly?” I demand.

She rolls her eyes. “Because I’ve been secretly in love with him all along? And I set him up with Carrie because I plan to swoop in and steal him from her, even though he’s obviously got a thing for redheads? Doofus.”

I snort indignantly. “It was a reasonable question.”

“It was an insane question.” Sienna smiles up at me fondly. “But that’s okay. You may be looney as a toon, but you’re my toon.”

Constantine and Carrie make their way through the crowd to get to us.

“It is a beautiful day, my friend.”

“Agapi?” I suggest.

He flips his hand dismissively. “You’re saying it wrong, but I am too happy to care.”

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