Witless (Lonely Souls #3) - Autumn Reed Page 0,8

my friends from Kansas.

Violet: I’m not sure I can get away.

Me: You’d be saving me from spending the evening surrounded by guys.

Violet: Are you trying to guilt me into showing up?

Me: Maybe. Is it working?

Violet: Maybe. I’ll see if I can escape for a little while.

Me: Thanks. You’re my hero.

Violet: No comment.

I was smiling when I put my phone away, and I looked up to find Tristin and Leo both staring at me. “What?”

“I’m happy to see you smiling again,” Leo said. “That’s all.”

His comment instantly sobered me, and he groaned. “Since I just ruined it, I’m going to see if I can find someplace open to pick up snacks.” He leaned over and gave me a soft kiss. “I’ll take Tobias with me, so you have a little bit of a break.”

“Thank you. You’re the best.”

“I am, aren’t I?” He winked at me before strolling to the front door while I shook my head at his retreating form.

The guy was too damn likable sometimes. I might have told Violet that she was my hero, but that designation truly belonged to Leo. He seemed to always know exactly what I needed, whether it was a sweet kiss or a distraction from the absolute horror of the day.

Knowing what to do—and taking action to accomplish it—was pretty damn heroic in my book.

“What do you need?” Tristin asked after a few moments.

I looked down at my borrowed sweatshirt and shorts, both of which swallowed me. “Can you help me upstairs so I can change?” Technically, I could have made it up there on my own, since my hands were feeling better. But I knew he would insist on helping, anyway.

As he lifted me into his arms again, our proximity felt more intimate this time. Maybe because we were alone. Or, maybe, because I could feel him watching me.

I waited until he’d made it to the second story before lifting my gaze to his. His eyes appeared as intense as they’d felt, the aquamarine depths a dark turquoise instead of the cold bluish green I was so used to seeing.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” he said finally. “When I found you lying on the ground like that…” He shook his head ruefully. “You’ve been hurt too much lately, and I don’t like it.”

“I’d be worried if you liked seeing me hurt,” I replied, hoping to lighten the moment.

“Joke all you want, but you need to know I’m serious when I say I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you. Even if that means protecting you from Hayle.”

My gut twisted. But it was less from the words against Hayle this time and more from the hopelessness of our situation. Because I might not fully be able to forgive and forget the way Tristin had treated me in the past, but that didn’t stop me from wanting him. Which led to me hating myself. And I was tired of hating myself for feelings that I couldn’t seem to help.

“You don’t need to protect me from Hayle.” I forced a grin. “Lily, on the other hand…”

He shook his head but returned my sort-of grin. “You know, I’ve offered to go over to her cottage for dinner a few times since I got back. But Hayle always put me off.”

“Really? That’s strange.” I’d witnessed Lily asking Hayle to invite Leo and Tristin over on at least one occasion. Why would he deny his mother something she’d wanted so much?

Tristin set me on the edge of my bed. “Do you think he suspected that something was wrong with her and didn’t want to admit it?”

I thought back to the conversations I’d had with Hayle about his mother. He’d seemed resigned to her “issues,” as he’d described them. But he’d never indicated that he thought she was capable of what I’d seen and heard from her today.

“Maybe to a degree, but I don’t think he believed she would ever get violent. I’m pretty sure he still doesn’t believe it.”

Tristin sat on the bed next to me and took my bandaged hand in his. Apparently, holding my hand was his new thing. I probably should have objected.

I didn’t.

“I believe you, and Leo believes you. For now, that needs to be enough. Hayle will come around.”

“And, if he doesn’t?”

He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed the tips of my fingers. “Then, we’ll figure it out. Together.”

My pulse thrummed, and my throat closed up. “Tristin, what are you—”

He placed a single finger over my mouth, shutting me up. “I have things

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