Witless (Lonely Souls #3) - Autumn Reed Page 0,19


Me: Can’t wait.

By the time I’d put my phone back in my bag, we were in front of The College Grind, and the football player was promising that someone else would be there to pick me up in time for my next class.

Inside, I made my way to our usual table while Petra cut to the front of the line to order our drinks. Inhaling the overpowering scent of coffee, I realized I’d missed this place. Although being a barista wasn’t the most glamorous job in the world, I liked my co-workers and the accomplishment I felt at earning my own money.

It was a pittance in comparison to what I could get away with charging on Vincent’s credit card, but that wasn’t the point. I preferred the confirmation that I could take care of myself, if I had to. And I may very well have to in the near future. I couldn’t rely on the Sharpe brothers being around forever, even if I didn’t want to think about the alternative.

Petra set two mochas and blueberry muffins down on the small table. I tried to hand her some cash, but she waved me away. “Mac said it was on him.”

Glancing around the shop for our boss, I didn’t catch sight of him. “Did you make that up?”

“No. He left a note for Jess, since he knew we come in at this time.”

“That was nice of him.”

“No kidding.” Petra took a bite of her muffin and moaned much like she had the very first time we’d visited the coffee shop together. “What would I do without you?” she said lovingly…to the muffin.

“Do I need to give you two some alone time?”

“No,” she sighed. “I already know you’re comfortable with public displays of affection.”

I half-choked on my coffee. “You do?”

“Well, I’ve seen you and Leo kiss enough times to assume.”

“Touché.” I took another sip of my coffee, then asked, “How was Vancouver?”

“Great. It was nice to just get away for a few days. Did I miss anything here?”

I wanted to laugh. She had no idea.

Then again, I still had never told her about my suspicions regarding my mother’s death. And I had promised Hayle that I wouldn’t tell anyone about what happened with Lily. Which really only left…

“Tobias showed up on Thanksgiving.”

Her fork clattered on her plate. “The former best friend who declared his love at the airport?”

“The one and only.”

She whistled lowly. “How did that go? More importantly, how did your boyfriends handle his sudden appearance?”

“There was some serious animosity at first, but the Sharpes seemed to get over it quickly.” Which I still found a little odd.

“Ha.” Petra picked up her fork again and pointed at me with it. “You didn’t argue with my use of boyfriends, plural.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “I didn’t even notice. Last time I checked, I still only had one.”

“Yeah, you didn’t notice because you’re not as opposed to the idea of multiples as you pretend.”

“Petra,” I said exasperatedly.


“What do you want me to say?”

She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “I only want you to admit that you’re not at all turned off by the idea of two, maybe three, boyfriends. Assuming their last names are all Sharpe, of course.”

I threw my hands up. “Fine. I admit it.” What was the point in pretending otherwise? She would know I was lying, anyway. “Happy?”

She grinned, her bright green eyes matching the stripe in her hair. “Yes. Now, the question is, what are you going to do about this revelation?”

“There’s nothing to be done about it.”

“Are you sure?”

I opened my mouth before closing it. If you want to fuck Thea, then you should fuck her. I’d tried so hard to believe that Leo wasn’t saying what I thought he was saying that night. But, maybe, I should have spent all of these weeks hoping he was.

Because, if he meant it, maybe Petra’s suggestion wasn’t so off-the-wall after all.

“I don’t know.”

Chapter Ten


“I want to take you somewhere,” Tristin said from the driver’s seat of the Range Rover. He and Leo had switched vehicles after he’d figured out that it was much harder for me to get in and out of his Tesla than the SUV. “Are you up for it?”

“As long as it doesn’t require me to walk miles.”

Though, honestly, I could use the exercise. As much as I’d appreciated the football team chauffeuring me around campus for the last four days, it was making me feel seriously lazy. I missed being able to ride my bike.

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