Witless (Lonely Souls #3) - Autumn Reed Page 0,103

about it, so could I. “Good point.” I pushed my door open. “Let’s do this.”

We’d intentionally waited until the bonfire was in full force before showing up, intending to make an entrance. And I had no doubt we’d succeeded as we made our way through the sand to where the massive fire was raging. It felt like hundreds of eyes were trained on us, reminding me of my first night in Moss Harbor.

But, unlike that night, I was no longer on my own. One of my hands was clutched in Hayle’s, and the other was linked through Tristin’s arm, while Leo walked directly in front of us, leading the way. Their presence made all of the difference, even though I knew gossip about us would spread through the crowd before I’d even finished my first drink.

That’s when it really hit me—I didn’t give a pack of flying monkeys about what anyone said. These men loved me, and I loved them. Nothing else mattered, and I refused to be ashamed for grasping onto the happiness I’d found with them with both hands. And every other part of me.

I halted suddenly, planting my feet in the sand. When the guys stopped, I turned to Hayle first and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. He quickly responded, tugging my body into his while I still clutched Tristin’s arm. When we separated, I looked to Leo, who stepped forward with a laugh. He didn’t hesitate for even a second, devouring me with a kiss that left me breathless. And when he released me, he practically shoved me into Tristin’s arms.

Tristin’s smile was soft as he peered down at me. “I knew you could do this.” Cupping my cheeks with his hands, he gave me a long, lingering kiss that could have gone on forever, as far as I was concerned.

But now wasn’t the time, and we both knew it. So, with a final peck on my lips, he released me and then turned to face the crowd.

A distinctive murmur had already swelled, seeming to multiply with every second that passed. And I laughed. I fucking laughed. Because I did. Not. Care.

A whistle sounded from somewhere to my side, and I turned to find Petra strolling up, her grin almost as large as her face. “Damn, girl. Now, that’s the way to make an entrance.”

Shrugging, I replied, “I figured it was time to let go of my wallflower status.”

“Well, you did it up good.” She waved a hand toward the masses of chattering Harbor U students. “It’s like they don’t even know what to do with themselves. Or the four of you.”

“I’m sure your sweatshirts aren’t hurting that cause.”

“Oh, don’t you love them? Leo came up with the writing for the backs.” She tapped on Hayle’s chest, over the ironed-on heart. “But this brilliant little addition was all me.”

“They’re perfect.” I pulled her into a hug. “Thank you for always being so supportive of me.” Over her shoulder, my eyes caught on a familiar guy standing a few yards away, and I gasped. “Oh my god. Are you here with Levi?”

I’d totally forgotten about the date I’d set them up on last night. I’d made the arrangements earlier in the week and sent them both text messages about where to meet, but I hadn’t heard anything from either of them about how it went.

Petra took a step back to glare at me. “Yeah, about that. I can’t believe you set me up with him, of all people.”

“Are you saying you didn’t have a good time?”

“No,” she sighed. “It was wonderful, and we made out at the end of the date, and I might already be obsessed.”

She’d said all of that in a single breath, and I let out a chuckle. “I’m happy to hear it.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She shoved at me, pushing me into Tristin’s side. “Don’t bother acting smug, because it’ll never last. But, for tonight, I’m going to suck on his lip ring and daydream about where else he might be pierced.”

Tristin choke-laughed, and I just smiled at her. “Have fun.”

“Oh, I will.” She blew me a kiss and sauntered off, linking her arm through Levi’s. He sent a head nod my way, and the smile on his face let me know that this thing between him and Petra might not be as temporary as she assumed.

Leo had wandered off during my conversation with Petra and returned with drinks for all four of us. He was driving tonight, so he’d chosen a bottle

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