Without Fear - Reese Knightley Page 0,45

the past few years. Forest was a close personal friend of Roscoe Burns. Burns was the Lieutenant with Phoenix. Phoenix was an elite unit of expert operatives that stepped in when law enforcement’s hands were tied. The point being that if Forest was sending ASAC Alexander Channing, then Channing was more than likely the best in his field.

After the phone call, Logan put his whole team on finding Macy. He didn’t own one of the world’s top security and bodyguard companies for nothing, and he’d utilize every means at his disposal. That included putting a call into one of his personal friends, the head of Phoenix, Giovanni Rossi.

“Anything you need, Logan,” Rossi had said.

“Forest is sending assistance.” He ran a hand through his hair, worry gnawing at him.

“I’ll send you one of my best.”

“Thanks, Gio.”

With half of his people attempting to locate Siegel, he put the other half on searching for Macy. Sooner or later, something had to give. If or when someone located Macy, Logan would be there.

He’d had a talking to himself over the past several weeks, taken a good hard look at his own actions, and he discovered he’d fucked up. He’d get down on his knees and promise to do better when he found Macy.

If you find him.

Fuck that, he was finding Macy if he had to tear apart the world.

The Cobalt personal jet landed in Colorado two and a half hours later. A large, black jeep tore across the tarmac and pulled up next to the stairs, and Jaxon stepped out from behind the wheel.

“Any news?”

“No, but I couldn’t find another agency to take the Carson case. Brick was on it, but Ryder said he’d take it since it’s a day job.”

“That’s fine.”

Logan couldn’t blame Ryder. If he had someone like Harrison to come home to at night, he’d opt for the day job too.

A vision of Macy’s sweet face drifted through his mind and he swallowed around the lump in his throat.

Brick came around the jeep and lifted his duffle bag.

“Anything?” Brick asked gruffly.

“No. All Forest said was that the safe house had been compromised and he’s sending down some men.”

“Where’s Hayden?” Logan opened the back door to the jeep. Echo jumped in and Logan joined the dog.

“He and Felix are checking out a lead on Siegel.”

Jaxon got behind the wheel and Brick slid into the passenger seat.

“So, what are you thinking?”

He glanced up and briefly met Jaxon’s eyes through the rear-view mirror.

“He’s hiding.”

“You don’t think Siegel has him?”

“No.” He didn’t voice his greatest fear, he stuck to what he knew of Macy.

The man was brave, smart, and tenacious.

They reached his office building and Felix and Hayden were there.

“How’d the lead go?”

“Didn’t pan out. I’ve put out the word to our contacts,” Hayden said, dropping into step with him.

“Something should pop up soon,” Felix offered.

Stepping into the lobby, he found a group of men waiting for him.

“Mr. Cobalt,” his front desk staff called out. “This is the FBI.”

A man wearing the ASAC badge and oozing power approached with a hand outstretched.

“Logan Cobalt,” he said, shaking the man’s hand. A small team of smartly dressed people wearing badges stood behind the FBI ASAC.

“ASAC Alexander Channing. Call me Alexander,” the man offered.

“Logan,” he murmured back.

“Do you have a secure place we can set up?” Alexander asked.

“Are you kidding?” Hayden gave Alexander a smirk. “Cobalt security leads the nation in advanced technology.”

“Hayden,” he warned.

“No, I’m serious. Logan Cobalt has worked with Phoenix. That’s how fucking top notch this place is.”

Alexander held up one hand, stopping the flow of words from Hayden. “I wasn’t questioning him or this facility. In fact, it’s FBI Assistant Director Forest Taylor who suggested I come here.”

“Oh.” Hayden sent his fingers thrusting through his hair and backed down.

Logan might have chuckled if the situation wasn’t so dire. He turned toward the head of his building security.


“Please set them up with badges.”

His head of security issued the FBI visitors temporary badges and they headed upstairs.

He’d had been kept in the dark about Macy’s whereabouts while under the marshals’ protection.

Now the marshals had fucked up and the FBI needed him and his team.

Karma had a way of sorting shit out.



A voice called out just before they reached the elevators and he turned, finding a familiar figure walking toward them.

The Phoenix operative known only as Wild brushed blondish brown hair from his shoulders and dimples flashed when he grinned.

“Wild.” Logan gripped the man’s hand. “How’s the family?”

Wild was married to Phoenix operatives Roscoe and Storm, and

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