Witchling Academy - Avery Song Page 0,109

you. We all want you to be back to your normal self so you can feel empowered again. This is just temporary, I promise you. We'll figure out a solution together and then we'll re-analyze everything at the end of the semester. I'm sure the holiday break will help you as well, so don't worry. We're going to solve this."

The memory actually brought some sort of tranquility, cutting past the sense of defeat that thrummed through me.

"Don't try to carry the world on your shoulders, Kaito. That's why we're here. To help you when the weight gets too heavy to bear."

She was right back then and would say the same now if she were awake. I'd reacted too quickly, my anxiety overwriting my train of thought, and the consequences were the students who had perished by my blade.

They were the sacrifice of my misguided actions, but if it wasn't for Fate, I may have truly lost the woman who was extremely important to me.

To us.

"We'll figure this out," Finnick quietly answered and looked my way. "Right, Kaito?"

All I could do was nod, my mind already formulating what I needed to do.

I can't fall into another trap like this. I won't survive if I continue to hold this guilt of failure.

Alternating my gaze between Finnick and Brianne seemed to only strengthen my resolve.

I'll figure out what needs to be done to end this cycle in my mind. It all ends...tonight.

Just You, Me, And The Starry Sky


* * *

"This is illegal!"

Finnick smirked at me as I came out of the washroom in one of his t-shirts. The amusement twinkled in his ocean eyes as he took my body in. "Need help?"

"I don't need-EEP!"

I took one solid step and was falling straight to the ground.

And then I wasn't.

I crashed into Finnick as he'd gotten up from the bed to try and catch me, the two of us falling back onto the bouncy mattress and leaving Finnick groaning.

"Red. I know you’re super light and all, but zapping out and into existence adds an extra oomph of power when you crash into someone."

"T-That wasn't my fault, dammit," I groaned then gave up on even moving as my body decided it was tired - again. "All of this is stupid! How did I get into this situation again?"

"Ah," Finnick replied and slowly rolled us over so I was resting on the bed and he was hovering on top of me. "Do we need to go over how the last week has gone?"

"Hmph," I pouted while looking away from him. "Go away. Your good looks are annoying me."

He laughed and kissed my cheek before a gust of wind lifted him right above me. He lowered himself to the floor as I slowly sat up.

"Thanks." He winked before he walked over to help me get into a more comfortable position. "And to answer your first statement, it isn't illegal to keep our girlfriend hostage because she's on a one month leave from all activities, including school, after interrupting a drug plot that was supposed to kill a ton of trapped students who'd been secretly taking drugs. Due to your bravery, you're dealing with side effects that make your limbs become jelly whenever they feel like while you're zapping in and out of existence for fun."

I gave him a look at the last part, and he shrugged. "Alright. Not zapping in and out of existence for fun."

"Ugh," I groaned and pressed my hands against my face. "How can I calmly stay here when Kaito is missing?! How are you so relaxed?! Our lover hasn't been seen for a week since the incident! What if people start thinking he did it? I asked Connor and he said he'd tell me but no! I fell right to sleep by accident. Then I asked Jax and of course, Jaxsin had to show up and start taunting me and shit, and then that ticks off Marianna, which led to them arguing, and I fell asleep at some point there and now here we are! Why is everyone so calm about this but me?!"

Finnick actually looked sorry for me as he sighed.

"Only if I get to snuggle next to you?"

I picked up the pillow next to me, threw it off the bed, and patted the spot like it was a drum. "Step right up to the cuddle station!"

He burst into laughter as he walked over to climb onto the bed and lay right in his spot next to me. "If you fall asleep, you

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