Witching Time (The Wild Hunt #14) - Yasmine Galenorn Page 0,31


We started back the way we had come, retracing our steps. After a few moments, there was a rustling in the corn to our right.

Evie shouted and pointed. “There—I see…” She paused. “It’s gone.”

I had seen a shadow dart by, as well. “What did you see?”

“I’m not sure. A movement.” She worried her lip. “I wish Marigold had never thought of putting in a maze. I don’t like them.”

“I know,” I said, trying to sound soothing. “Let’s just get out of here.”

But as we turned left, onto what should be the way out, we found ourselves back at the T-junction. I knew it was the same one because one of the corn stalks had been broken in a peculiar way, and that same stalk was directly in front of us again.

“Damn it, this isn’t funny,” Evie said, looking more frightened than angry.

“Hold on. I’ll text Kipa. He’ll find us.” I quickly texted to Kipa. we’re stuck in the corn maze. can you come find us? we can’t seem to find the way out. and keep your eyes open—there’s something in here with us.

Immediately, he pinged me back. i’ll be there as soon as i can.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Kipa will be here soon. We’ll just wait for him right here.” I looked around. The ground was wet and I didn’t fancy sitting in a mud puddle. And the gravel they had spread through the maze to help with traction wasn’t exactly my idea of comfort, either.

“So, you said this was Marigold’s idea?”

“Right,” Evie said. “She thought a corn maze would be fun, and it sounded like it. But it was such a headache to map out and make. I originally had the idea to plant the corn in the shape of the maze, but nope—my mother wanted to utilize every space. So I spent days figuring out the maze on paper and then culling my way through, carving out the maze with an actual sickle. I’ll never do this again. If they want the maze again next year, they can go with my idea or they can do it themselves. Besides, next year I expect to be off to college.”

“Where are you going?” I wanted to keep up the patter of small talk—it might keep whatever we had seen away from us.

“University of Washington. I’ve won a full scholarship. It’s a sports scholarship, but my goal is to focus on languages. I’d like to be an interpreter and travel the world.” Evie smiled. “I can speak French, Spanish, and a smattering of Japanese now.”

“Wow, big plans,” I said. “It sounds fun, actually. I’ve never been to college. But then again, given I’m Ante-Fae, we have our own ways of learning and doing things. The Fae go to school along with shifters and humans, but we learn at home.”

Very few of the Ante-Fae interacted with human institutions, and very few of the Ante-Fae actually interacted with humans in general. I was one of the Exosan, the newer generation of Ante-Fae who preferred interacting with human society. We weren’t accepted by most of the older Ante-Fae, who tended to live on the outskirts of the world.

“Will you be living in the dorm—” I started to ask when another rustle in the corn startled both of us. We slowly turned to the rows of corn behind us, and I motioned for Evie to get behind me. I pulled out my dagger and waited.

The day was cool but bright now, and steam was rising off the corn where the sun burned away the residue of the rain. But there was no wind at the moment, yet we could see some of the stalks moving—swaying as if something were passing through them. I thought about asking whatever was there to show itself, but I didn’t want to put Evie in danger. Instead, I just kept her behind me, following the movement as it rippled through the corn.

“Hey, girls.” The voice came from behind us on the path and I shrieked, so intent had I been on watching the movement among the stalks.

“Don’t freaking do that!” I said, turning around. “But thank gods you’re here.”

Kipa started to laugh, but then stopped, staring beyond us at the corn. “What the hell is in there? I can feel something…and it’s not friendly.”

“I don’t know, but I think it’s been following us. We got lost. Evie built this maze but even she can’t figure out how to get out of here.” I turned

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