Witching For Clarity (Premonition Pointe #4) - Deanna Chase Page 0,50

a cannery. Fish oils are really good for overall health,” she said with a straight face.

“Bull semen collector,” Sebastian said. “I read somewhere that farmers make fifty bucks for each sample.”

Gigi laughed so hard she was having trouble breathing. “I know they have equipment for that, but now all I can picture is you jacking-off a bull.”

He joined her in her laughter, and by the time they reached his SUV, they both had hysterical tears running down their faces.

“Come on,” Sebastian said as he opened her door for her. “Let’s get out of this town before you find yourself slathered in something designed to neutralize your Yeti DNA.”

“Stop,” Gigi gasped out. “My abs hurt from too much laughing.”

Still chuckling, Sebastian picked Gigi up and deposited her into the passenger seat. “Just think of it as a good workout.” He leaned in and kissed her.

It started innocently, with both of them still chuckling, but it didn’t take long for Gigi to twist sideways and wrap her arms and legs around him, pulling him close. She deepened the kiss, loving the way his hard body felt against hers. She didn’t know how long they stayed lip-locked, but when Sebastian finally pulled away, his face was flushed and his eyes were full of desire.

“I think we should get on the road,” Sebastian said, his voice husky.

“The sooner we get back to Premonition Pointe, the sooner we can pick up where we left off,” she said, brushing his dark hair out of his eyes.

He groaned. “It’s gonna be one hell of a long drive today.”

Gigi didn’t disagree.

Once they were on the road, both of them were silent, seemingly lost on their own thoughts. Eventually Sebastian looked over at her and said, “I’m sorry the trip wasn’t more productive.”

Gigi glanced over at him. “It’s all right. We always knew this was a longshot. I did really enjoy seeing your mom, even if she did get a little inappropriate with her teasing.”

“She loved seeing you, and she didn’t mean to embarrass you. That was all directed toward me. You know that, right?”

“I do. And it was funny. If I hadn’t been the one sharing your bed, I’d have probably joined her. You’re fun to hassle,” she said, watching the way his lips twitched in amusement. Gigi could not get over just how easy he was to talk to. Their relationship back when they were teenagers had been filled with that tension of will they or won’t they. And even though they’d been best friends, they’d each held back more than they did now, probably because of their own insecurities and lack of maturity. But now? She felt like she could say anything to him and it would be fine. She’d never had that with anyone before. Ever.

“Sebastian?” she said.


“Are we dating now?” She hadn’t missed it when he’d called her his girlfriend, but they hadn’t actually discussed making anything official.

“If you’re not sure, then I think I’m doing it wrong,” he said teasingly.

She rolled her eyes at him. “Obviously we’re doing something. Dating, sleeping together, I don’t really know what we’re calling it.”

“We’re calling it a relationship,” Sebastian said, all traces of amusement gone. “I want you, Gigi. I think I’ve made that fairly clear.”

“So we’re exclusive?” she asked.

“Damn right we’re exclusive, and the next time I introduce you to someone, it’s going to be as my girlfriend. Are you good with that?”

Gigi grinned at him. “Yes.”

He glanced over at her, his gaze boring into hers for just a moment. Then his tone softened, and he reached for her hand, taking it in his. “It’s about time, Gigi. After you kept pushing me away when I got to town, I was really worried you’d make me wait another twenty years.”

“To be honest, Sebastian, I was worried, too. But you’re far too irresistible, and now you’re stuck with me.”

“Thank the gods for that.”

Chapter Eighteen

Gigi’s investigation into her mother’s disappearance had stalled. Sebastian was currently up in San Francisco, trying to trace the bill of sale on the ring, but other than that they’d exhausted all the avenues they could think of to find someone from Gigi’s past who had knowledge of her mother’s disappearance. Having only a cryptic message from a ghost wasn’t enough for her to keep torturing herself. If she had any solid leads, she’d go to the ends of the earth to find out what happened that day, but as things stood, it was just too painful.

Instead, she was focusing on her skin care

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