Witch Hunt - By Syd Moore Page 0,74

sample from the bottle brought in for analysis.’

‘Sally told me.’

‘Right,’ he nodded. ‘So you’ll be aware that the tests have revealed Dan’s been dosing himself with ibuprofen?’

I breathed in sharply. ‘What? Why?’

Franklin shot me a look laced with contempt. ‘Well, I don’t think he meant to, Ms Asquith.’

The fridge hummed and shuddered.

I shook my head. ‘Was it a mix-up at the pharmacy then?’

Now it was Franklin’s turn to scoff. ‘No pharmacist would have made that mistake. It would have been done after Dan had taken the prescription home. Can I ask who had access to his flat?’

There was some distant family but I was pretty sure they didn’t have keys. Dan was anal about things like that. ‘Just Mum and Dan, I think,’ I told him.

He nodded again and stared at me. ‘And you, Ms Asquith.’

I blinked and sucked in a raspy breath. ‘You can’t think that I interfered with Dan’s meds? What reason would I possibly have?’

Doctor Franklin shifted from foot to foot. ‘I hear that you were thinking of moving back into your mother’s property? Converting her bedroom into an office … ?’

That was enough. ‘How dare you!’ I straightened up fully. ‘I’ll be putting a complaint in about you …’ But no sooner had the words popped out of my mouth than I was cut off by a wail.

‘No, no.’ Dan had come up behind us. I had no idea how long he had been standing there or what he had heard but he was visibly distressed. He pulled me back, away from Franklin.

The doctor stepped forwards. ‘Dan, I think we need to take you to get that cut looked at. Then I’ll be recommending you stay in overnight.’ He glanced at me. ‘For at least one night.’

‘No,’ Dan shook his head. ‘Staying here with Sadie.’

‘Okay,’ I said.

Franklin shook his head. ‘I don’t think that’s wise.’

I could see how it looked and, despite my fury at Franklin, I knew Dan desperately needed to get back on the right


‘Listen, Dan,’ I made my voice soft. ‘I think Doctor Franklin’s right. You need to have your arm seen to professionally.’

‘I’m all right,’ he said. ‘I’m staying.’ Urgency hissed through his words. Something, some notion beyond the fuzz of his brain was troubling him. ‘You’re in danger.’

‘Okay,’ I said, glancing balefully at Franklin. ‘Is that why you’re here?’

‘Staying,’ he repeated and I could tell we weren’t going to get any more out of him. His eyelids were drooping over his bloodshot peepers. The poor guy was practically sleeping on his feet.

‘Look Dan, I’m perfectly fine. Honest, I’ll call the hospital if I need you. I promise.’ He didn’t move. ‘In fact, I really think you should go and get patched up so that you can be fighting fit again should I require your assistance. I might need you very soon but you’re no good to me like this.’

The suggestion flitted across his eyes, going back and forth through his brain as he slowly processed it. After what seemed several minutes, during which none of us spoke, Dan nodded. ‘But you call if you need to.’

I promised I would and Dan slowly turned to the doorway. Doctor Franklin held out his hand for me to shake. Dan couldn’t see me so I didn’t take it. ‘Sorry if I overstepped the mark just then,’ said Franklin. ‘It’s strange don’t you think?’

I blew out of my mouth and whistled. Didn’t mean to, but the air just went that way. I wanted to give him a ‘whatever’ look but did the whistle thing instead. He sighed. I didn’t look like I was angry. Just that I didn’t care.

Franklin reached down to gather up his bag from the hallway. I tugged on his arm and whispered. ‘Sorry. I do care about Dan. Of course I do. But I didn’t swap the pills. Why would I?’

Franklin regarded me for a moment before following Dan into the hall.

‘I’d prefer to believe you. Sincerely. But if you didn’t, who did?’

Chapter Twenty-Four

It won’t surprise you to learn that that night I couldn’t sleep. Again. My brain whirled. Questions turned over in my head like a bloody washing machine on spin cycle. Who would want to swap Dan’s medication? Could an old acquaintance have broken into the flat? An ex-student with a grudge? Someone from his volatile pre-Mum period?

That kind of payback was nasty. There was no knowing what state people could get themselves into without correct medication. Whoever it was, they were damn spiteful. As my fury burnt through

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