Witch Born - LJ Swallow Page 0,51

not as if we’re family.” He lifts a hand to touch my cheek, but again no desire, only confusion.

The strange gesture confuses me. He towers over me, but his stance is stiff, as if I’m the one intimidating him. “About yesterday,” I begin.

He blinks then guides me to one side to interrupt. “Dorian grows stronger. Not only him—look at Zeke’s actions today. And you? You’ve never fully lost your powers.”

“I have. I’m not as strong as I was.”

“But stronger than most Ravenhold students.”

“I’m growing more powerful too, I told you all this when…” Ethan drops his hand from my face and glances around him. “I still mean what I said. Stay away.”

“You’re a huge contradiction, Ethan. You tell me to stay away and then get pissed off with me for not coming to you for help. Which do you want?”

He drags his fingers through his long hair. “I don't know, but I’m worried they’re finally getting to me.”


“The academy. These bloody sessions with Marcus I try to avoid. Francesca’s so-called therapeutic classes.” He pauses. “You’re affecting me. Something’s changing inside, and I’m frightened what I’ll do.”

Boots scuff across the courtyard and a torch beam shines from side to side, reminding me of my arrival here. I squint as the light shines into my face before the guard flicks the beam to Ethan.

“What are you plotting?” he asks gruffly. I squint through the dark and he continues to peer at me and Ethan. “Get inside.”

Without arguing, Ethan strides away and I hurry to catch up. “Do you think Francesca’s classes affect us? That’s crazy.”

“Is it? I avoid her and Marcus as much as possible. You'd be wise to keep away too.”

“I don't like Marcus,” I admit.

Ethan pulls me to one side and holds out a hand. “Keep an eye on Samuel and Jared and you’ll see what I mean.”


“Yeah.” He arches a brow. “Two of the most disturbed kids.”

“What do you think is happening?” I whisper.

He looks at me, unblinking. “This place is more corrupt than the students.”

“I said get the fuck inside,” growls the guard as he reaches where we loiter in the doorway.

The interruption gives Ethan the opportunity to part ways without speaking and I bite my lip as I watch him walk away. Again. The kiss hasn’t pushed Ethan away completely, but he’s still the enigma who seems unsure how to deal with me—and himself.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

I don’t sit in the common room often, preferring the solitude in my room, but today’s events put me on edge. Where are Zeke and Dorian? What happened wasn’t only a shock but a sign to the academy and residents that the magic wards aren’t as effective as they thought. I’m not particularly concerned about Dorian, but I am worried about Zeke. His help last night saved me from more issues —and possibly saved my life.

Zeke often spends his evening in the common room; somewhere I avoid as much as possible. I occasionally go with Oriana to balance the ‘keeping my head down’ with enough socialisation to not appear rude.

Appearing rude is the least of my issues.

The room is half-full, but Zeke isn’t here, and neither are his friends. Fortunately, Dorian isn’t here either. Avoiding eyes to dodge questions, I look around for somewhere to sit. Zeke could appear later.

Jigsaws and colouring pencils are spread on the common room tables, no doubt Francesca’s idea. How old are we? Five? I look up at the inspirational posters displaying mountains and sunsets on the wall beside black and white printed notices with rules about curfew and prohibiting us removing items from the room.

Jigsaws aren’t my style, although someone must like them because there’s a partially complete orange and black puzzle on a desk close to the small, barred window. I sit in the plastic seat and pick up a piece. This academy has some bizarre ideas on rehabilitation. There’s no box to copy from and the pieces are tiny, but the puzzle distracts me. Half an hour later, I’m amused to find I’m creating a picture of a tiger.

The room drops into silence and I look up from the jigsaw. Zeke stands in the doorway, scanning the room. He’s with Kai, his usual righthand man, and two attractive shifter girls. My chest twinges with unwarranted jealousy. Since the first day, I’ve never paid attention to Zeke’s unusual appearance, but as I’m creating an image of the animal he can shift into, the similarities jump out at me again.

He’s more sullen than usual, duller eyes filled

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