Witch Born - LJ Swallow Page 0,37

muttering something to himself. Ethan halts, as if he heard, and his jaw clenches. Looking to the ceiling, he takes a long, ragged breath and keeps walking.

We continue side by side, and his silence continues too. “You’re a man of few words,” I say, using the cliché to try and break the strange icy atmosphere.

“I have little to say to people here.”

“Including me?”

He pauses. “What do you want to talk about, Eloise? Yourself? Me?”


“Tip number one: never ask questions.”

My head is a little woozy from the alcohol, and everything Marcus said continues to play through my mind. I’m dying to speak to somebody, but is Ethan the right person? “Why not?”

His mouth quirks into a smile. “I’ve witnessed several people taken to solitary who I’ve never seen again. Usually ones who ask questions.”

Is that worse than death? A lifetime locked away not only from the world but from everyone? I shudder. That’s a guaranteed path to insanity.

“Which is why I fear for you,” he says softly. “You are a threat. A hybrid. Like Dorian. Zeke. Me.”

“Do you mean we’re not safe at Ravenhold?”

He shrugs. “Who is ever safe when they are subject to imprisonment?”

I swallow. “Marcus told me we’d never leave because our families are Dominion members—not just sympathisers. But he never said we’re unsafe.”

Ethan shakes his head. “Ah. Marcus. Try not to spend much time with him. I don’t believe for a minute that he’s here to help students. I’m suspicious of his motives.”

“The authorities watch what happens here.”

Ethan reaches out and his huge palm engulfs my face as he places a hand on my cheek. “Why do you trust so much?”

“Because without trust, I’d have no hope that I’ll survive. And that’s one thing I need or I’ll give up. I’ve seen those here who already have—faces in the dining hall of those who no longer have any life in them. Living out their time.”

Ethan drops his hands and nods curtly. “Let me elaborate about us. You know the name Blackwood. How about Grenfell? MacCowan?"

"Grenfell— yes. I think a lot of my father's prejudices against shifters comes from dealings with that family. They're Dominion too, but something happened. A death probably."

Ethan nods. "And MacCowan?"

"I don't know that name."

"I know your name, Eloise Thornbrook. My family were double-crossed by yours.” He smiles at me. "I'm MacCowan. Zeke is Grenfell. I think we’re all at Ravenhold for a purpose.”

"I'm confused."

"We're all hybrids, Eloise, and we're all here. I don't think that's a coincidence—especially considering the conflict between us."

I shake my head. "I don't have any arguments with you, and I haven't seen you fighting with others."

His lips curve into a half-smile. "I'd rather watch what's happening around me and not fall into any traps. But we're here for a reason, Eloise."

"Because the Confederacy want to keep a closer eye on us."

"No. Four hybrids, and I’m sure some would be happy these dangerous families' scions might want to kill each other."

"What the hell?" I blurt.

"And the question remains—who wants us pitted against each other? The Confederacy or our families?"

I moisten my dry lips. He’s taken Marcus’s words one step further and I don’t like his theory. “I don’t believe we’d kill each other.”

But the possibility underlies our relationships. Zeke and Dorian hate each other, and I’d happily see Dorian gone. But killing? I sigh at my naivety. How else would I end Dorian?

"Neither do I. Yet."

The way he says 'yet' with the darkness in his eyes prickles the hairs on my neck. "You think you might kill someone in the future?"

"That depends on what they do to us. Your experience in art class, for instance. Was that magic or reality?"

I swallow at the memory. "The experience felt real."

"You're being disarmed."

I scramble to catch up with his meaning. “Magic? Do you think something induced my hallucination?”

He shrugs. “Possibly, unless whoever terrified you with those words can genuinely cross Ravenhold’s wards.”

“Then I hope I hallucinated.”

Ethan shakes his head. “No. You don’t. A kid died the other week—the second in two months. Unexplained deaths and cover-ups. Other kids keep losing their shit—you heard about Samuel. I’d lay bets he’s the next to disappear."

"Why are you telling me this? You're scaring me."

"You're the first person I've told about my suspicions, because I don’t want you dragged into their plans. Don't trust anybody—staff or students. I'm watching and waiting. Do the same, Eloise."

"How long have you been here, Ethan?"

He shrugs and pulls a face. "Longer than Zeke or Dorian. But I mean what I say. Stay

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