Wirth (Dirty Aces MC #5) - Lane Hart Page 0,43

which is when her brother’s shoulders finally relax, and he takes the steps to come inside.

I quickly shut the door and then attack him from behind, catching him off-guard. Grabbing his arms, I tug his wrists to his lower back while using my body weight to pin him face first to the wall in almost the exact spot where I just fucked his sister. He never saw it coming.

“What the hell?” he asks, trying to buck me off while I pull the zip ties from my pocket to try and get them on him as fast as possible. He pushes me back and away before I can fasten the damn things, so I have no choice but to take him to the ground and use my knees on his back to hold him down while I finally secure his wrists.

“Wirth!” Maeve shouts when she comes in and finds me on top of her brother. “What the hell are you doing? Get off of him!” she yells, trying to grab my arm to pull me up. I let her since I’m finished, going to stand in front of the door in case Rian’s able to get to his feet and make a run for it.

“Sorry, doll,” I tell her. “It had to be done.”

“I don’t…what are you talking about?” she asks while I pull my phone from my pocket and send the text I had already typed out before I came over.

“Your brother needs to pay for his mistake,” I explain. “You can’t protect him anymore.”

“W-what?” she exclaims, covering her gaping mouth. “No. Please, Wirth! We can all three leave together!”

“It’s too late,” I tell her just as her apartment door opens. Malcolm and the guys come in to collect her brother. They got here quickly since they were around the back of the building just waiting for my text.

“No! Don’t hurt him! Please! I’m begging you!” Maeve says as tears stream down her face.

“Smells like sex in here,” Devlin remarks, wrinkling his nose. Malcolm looks at me and arches an eyebrow in question as Silas and Nash get Rian up off the floor.

“I did what I needed to do,” I say in my defense, which I know is weak as fuck. “Shut up and take her too,” I instruct them before Malcolm can comment. I know I’m too weak to do it. If she’s left here, I have no doubt she would run to the Irish to tell them. If this plan of mine is going to work, then I need those Irish fuckers to be blindsided.

Maeve’s pleading turns to anger after the guys zip tie her hands behind her back. “I can’t believe you would do this to me!” she yells. “I hate you! I fucking hate you for this, Wirth!”

“Let’s go, sweetheart,” Devlin says as he grabs her elbow and escorts a sobbing Maeve out of the apartment.

“You fucked her first?” Malcolm asks when she’s gone.

“Yeah, I did,” I respond.

“I’ll fucking kill you!” Rian yells as he gets dragged out by Nash and Silas.

“Pretty messed up,” Malcolm says. “She’ll never forgive you.”

I turn away and start for the door, so he doesn’t see me wince. “I had to figure out a way to distract her until he got here,” I lie.

“Whatever you say, man,” Malcolm mutters, shutting the apartment door behind him.

The guys get everyone loaded up in the stolen SUV we haven’t chopped up yet, and I climb on my bike, glad I don’t have to be in that vehicle with Maeve on the way back to Carolina Beach.

Instead of going to the clubhouse, we take them to Malcolm’s old beach cottage, not the house he shares with Naomi and his kid.

The guys bring Maeve and Rian in. They take her to the bedroom and sit her brother down in one of the kitchen chairs, his arms around the back rails to keep him from going anywhere fast.

“How’s the shoulder?” Rian asks Malcolm with a smirk, which was the wrong fucking thing to say. The kid has balls, but they’re going to get him killed before I have a chance to fix what I fucked up.

Our president hauls back and knocks the shit out of the boy’s face, sending a spray of blood across the wall. I can’t help but be glad that Maeve is locked in the bedroom and didn’t see it.

“Tell us about the Irish and maybe we’ll let you live after you tried to assassinate me and fucking missed.”

“Not gonna happen,” the kid responds.


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