Winter's Woman (The Wicked Winters #9) - Scarlett Scott Page 0,8

anything ill had befallen her. Lady Evangeline Saltisford was the epitome of elegance and perfection. Even her golden curls were neat little screws framing her lovely face, nary a one out of place.

“Your betrothal to Lord Denton?” Lady Adele asked her sister. “You are not going to be married for another three months, dearest. We are only suggesting you remove yourself for a fortnight. Perhaps less.”

A fortnight with milady?

Christ no.

Devil suppressed a shudder.

“If I am to suddenly disappear for a fortnight, it will be remarked upon,” Lady Evie countered. “Widely. How do you propose I am to explain it?”

“There will be no explanation,” Devil bit out. “Because I ain’t squiring you anywhere. I don’t leave London.”

Dom sighed. “I was afraid you would prove unyielding on that. Fair enough. If you do not want to go to the country, Devereaux has offered the use of one of his townhomes.”

Wrong person to mention.

“Devereaux, is it?” he growled, nettled to hear Dom speak of their legitimate half brother as if they were now on friendly terms.

To say nothing of the grandiosity of such a gesture. Townhomes, Dom had said, as if there were more than one.

How many townhomes did one arsehole need?

Dom raked a hand through his hair, his jaw hardening with annoyance. “I am persuaded our half brother is not who I once thought him to be. He has proven himself. Need I remind you of the manner in which he aided us with the Suttons and their waterworks?”

Yes, Devereaux Winter had indeed facilitated the deal with the Suttons. The Sutton Waterworks belonged to the Winters now. But Devil did not trust any man as far as he could throw him. And Deveraux Winter was a massive man. Devil did not suppose he could throw him farther than a puddle’s length.

Devil snorted. “And who is taking shots at Lady Evangeline? You do not suppose it is Suttons?”

“I cannot be sure.” Dom shook his head. “I cannot believe they would be foolish enough to upset the balance so soon after calling a truce. I need time to dig into this without worrying over Lady Evie’s wellbeing. Be reasonable, Devil.”

He did not feel like being reasonable. Reasonable was for nibs who worried about the knot in their cravats and the shine on their boots.

Devil shook his head. “A fortnight is impossible.”

“I agree wholeheartedly,” Lady Evangeline said. “It is impossible. You cannot expect me to hide myself somewhere with…Mr. Devil. Lord Denton shall never forgive me if I am to disappear. I am promised to attend the Farthington ball tomorrow, and the Desmond musicale the day after. My absence will be noted.”

“Your absence is necessary for your protection,” Lady Adele said.

She had a point, and Devil hated to admit it. Indeed, he would admit it if anyone other than himself was being cozened into playing her guard for the next fortnight. Bad enough to remain in milady’s presence when he had Dom to speak to. Unless…

“The two of you would accompany us,” Devil said.

“No.” Dom passed a hand over his jaw. “I need to remain here, to run The Devil’s Spawn, and to determine who is behind these attacks and why.”

“Why not me?” Devil suggested. “I remain. You and Lady Adele take Lady Evangeline to the countryside or to Winter’s townhome. I will stay and watch over The Devil’s Spawn and find the bastard responsible for shooting Lady Evangeline.”

Sound plan, as far as Devil was concerned. No more milady. No more golden curls and taunting berry lips. No more unwanted cockstands in her presence.

Dom sighed. “It cannot be me. You know as well as I do what happened the last time I distanced myself from London. There were fires set at our hell, men attempting to ruin us.”

On Devil’s watch.

His brother did not need to say it. Devil had inwardly lashed himself a thousand times for his failure to lead the ship in Dom’s absence. The Devil’s Spawn had not been reduced to ashes. But the damage had been bad enough.

Guilt and disappointment at his own failures sliced through him. Dom was right to distrust him. Not only had Devil been unable to keep the hell safe; Lady Evie had been shot on his second day acting as guard.


He owed his brother. And he owed it to himself to do better this time. To prove his mettle. Even if it meant keeping milady company for two weeks in Devereaux Winter’s house.



Devil nodded once, his gaze never straying from Dom’s. “Fair enough. I owe you. I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024