Winter's Woman (The Wicked Winters #9) - Scarlett Scott Page 0,50


“Come, brother,” Dom urged him again. “You are bleeding all over the goddamn carpet.”

So he was. Evie gasped as she realized blood was running down Theo’s arm, dripping off his limp hand, pooling on the floor.

“Go home, duke’s daughter,” Theo snarled at her. “You do not belong here.”

He listed once more, and then he went paler, his eyes rolling back in his head. He collapsed against Dom and Blade, who caught his large frame with ease.

Fear washed over her, making her mouth go dry. She rushed forward, uncertain of what she could do for him, if anything. Needing to touch him, to be reassured he was still breathing. She swiped a lock of hair from his brow, absorbing the warmth of his skin.

“He needs surgery,” Dom told her gently, but his expression was strained. “He has lost a great deal of blood, and we haven’t any time to waste.”

“Of course.” She nodded, swallowing against a rush of bile. “Do what you must. I shall wait here.”

With that, Dom and Blade hauled an unconscious Theo from the salon.

Taking her heart with them.

The wait was excruciating.

Addy had arrived to keep Evie company, but not even the presence of her twin could diminish the fear and worry churning within her.

“You must try to calm yourself, dearest,” Addy reminded her now, her voice tender but firm. “I am certain all will be well.”

She wished she possessed her sister’s aptitude for thinking the best in a wretched situation. Addy was a ray of sunlight; she saw the goodness in everyone and everything. In the current moment, Evie was a storm cloud.

“I cannot be calm,” she told Addy. “Will you check and see if Dom has any word yet?”

“Darling, he promised he would come to us as soon as the surgeon has finished.” Addy put a comforting arm around Evie’s shoulders. “Shall I ring for some tea? Have you eaten anything today?”

“I cannot eat.” Hunger had become obsolete. All she wanted was to know about Theo, how he had fared.

If he would live.

Dear God, he had to live.

She could not bear to think of him dying, and all because he had been so intent upon saving her.

“Just some biscuits, perhaps,” Addy tried.

“This is all my fault,” Evie said, closing her eyes against a fresh rush of tears. “If it were not for me, he would not have been wounded.”

“You must not blame yourself for what happened,” her twin told her, still remaining the calm Evie needed. “What is most important is that the man behind the attacks on you cannot hurt you any longer. Nor can he hurt any of us. Devil will be well, I am certain.”

“I wish I possessed your certainty,” she said bitterly. “I am terrified, Addy.”

“Nothing is certain, of course,” Addy said, giving her shoulders another squeeze of sisterly solidarity. “However, all we have is hope and faith. We must trust in both.”

Her sister was too good.

Too sweet.

And Evie was all too fallible.

She was about to respond in kind when the door opened and Dom Winter appeared on the threshold once more, looking weary and grim.

Her heart fell to her slippers as she leapt to her feet. “How is he?”

“The surgeon is finished with his work. It went well, he believes, and fortunately the ball passed through in a clean fashion, avoiding bone or muscle. If he does not suffer an infection, the surgeon is confident he will maintain the use of his arm.”

Relief hit her. “Thank heavens. Where is he? I must go to him.”

“Forgive me,” her brother-in-law said softly, his countenance softening with sympathy. “But he does not want to see you.”

“Surely not. That cannot be.” She searched Dom’s dark gaze. “I know what he said before, but he did not mean it, I am certain.”

“He is adamant.” Dom paused then, raking his fingers through his hair in a gesture that suggested he was not as calm as he outwardly seemed. “In his state, I think it best not to cause him any further upset. He has asked that you return home.”

“Without seeing him?” The despair she had been barely keeping at bay for hours returned, fiercer than ever. “Without speaking with him?”

“It is what Devil wishes,” her brother-in-law said.

She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling dizzy. The combination of the extreme emotions she had experienced over the last few hours along with her refusal to take sustenance was finally having an effect upon her.

Theo did not want her here.

He was pushing her away, resurrecting all the walls keeping Copyright 2016 - 2024