Winterblaze - By Kristen Callihan Page 0,62

the same. And, as if called, Isley found me. He brought me here to London.” She grinned then, the act lighting up her face as if the sun suddenly shone upon her. “I’ve never had want of money again.”

Ice swam through Win’s gut. A miracle indeed. And just what had the komtesse given up to see her fortunes reversed? All the cold within him turned to burning bile, and he swallowed down the taste of acrid bitterness, for he knew she was as ignorant as the rest of Isley’s victims.

Poppy glared up at the painted Isley before turning back to the komtesse with a neutral expression. “Forgive me for being blunt, Brit—”

“But you always are, Mrs. Hamon. It is one of your best traits,” the komtesse answered with apparent fondness.

Poppy’s severe brows lifted a touch but she forged on. “Well then. We are interested in one of Isley’s possible paramours at that time. Moira Darling. Have you heard of her?”

The komtesse gave a little shocked laugh. “You certainly did not hold back that time, did you?” She sat up on the couch as if she could no longer bear to relax. “There was talk of other women. He was rather… voracious in his appetites, and there is no telling whether he visited certain houses on occasion. Though I would not be surprised if he did.” Her shoulders lifted in a delicate shrug. “However, I’ve never heard of Moira Darling, I’m sorry to tell you.”

“Have you the names of any women he might have visited?” Win asked.

“Often times, he consulted with a Mrs. Noble.” Clear, direct eyes held his. “She is known to have an excellent eye for art. Isley was quite fond of her.”

“Mrs. Amy Noble?” Winston asked. “The widow of Mr. Tobias Noble, the coal magnate?”

“The very one. She hosts a revolving house party at Farleigh, her estate in Richmond that runs from July to November. It is quite lively. One might meet the Prime Minister or some boy she brought in from the streets because she liked the sound of his singing.”

Poppy glanced at Win. “Then it is to Farleigh we go.” She turned to the komtesse. “Brit. Be careful, will you? No new visitors for a few weeks.”

The komtesse’s golden brows knitted. “Am I in danger, Mrs. Hamon?”

Poppy’s skirts rustled as she stood. “At the moment, anyone who had been in contact with Isley is. I shall send word when it is safe. But for now, trust in me and do as I say.”

“I always do.”

Win stared at the clean, strong lines of his wife’s face and form. Here was the leader, the woman who commanded an entire organization. People did as she asked. As always, it made him itch to get her alone and coax out that soft, sensual Poppy that only he had the privilege to see.

Her hand settled on the crook of his arm, and he tucked her close as he nodded to their hostess. “Komtesse.”

She gave him a secretive smile. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Belenus. Do come back. At any time.”

The devil in him couldn’t help but feel a small sense of satisfaction when Poppy’s hand tightened on his arm. If she only knew how little any other woman affected him.

He opened the door and ran directly into another man. Or rather, his crotch collided with a man’s face. Win swallowed a silent curse as he took in the abundance of bare skin and a pair of pink-feathered wings shivering tremulously. They stared at each other, Win gaping down and the man blinking up in surprise. Then Win cleared his throat. “Henri, I presume?”

The man unfurled a slow, pleased smile while Win’s face grew uncomfortably hot. “Why yes. Have we met?”

Chapter Seventeen

They made it out of the house and onto the embankment before Poppy burst out laughing. She did not laugh often, but when she did, she did so with her whole soul. Win watched, half bemused, half transfixed, as her laughter poured out in wave after wave, a gorgeous, husky sound that invited one to join in. Her shoulders shook with it, and tears streamed out of the corners of eyes that sparkled like topaz in the sunlight. Around them, a few strollers passed, and despite Poppy’s unladylike manners, they could not help but be affected. Several smiled, and a chimney sweep just off the job laughed as well, sending bits of blacks and ash tumbling off his shoulders before he strolled away.

When she’d gotten herself reasonably under control, Copyright 2016 - 2024