Winter Heat - Kennedy Fox Page 0,8

green bean casserole, and a full tray of biscuits are waiting to be devoured. There’s always too much food, which means we’ll be eating leftovers for close to a week. Thankfully, my mother is creative with repurposing turkey.

As I help set the table, Mom flashes me a little smirk. “So, I just heard you were at the diner a few days ago with Cole.”

“Somehow I’m not surprised you know that.” I snicker.

“Are you two trying to work it out?” she asks.

My face flushes. “We had lunch, Mom. It doesn’t mean we’re getting back together. And thanks a lot for bringing that up in front of him at the lighting. You scared him off.”

She laughs. “No I didn’t.”

I give her an eye. “Plus, I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend.”

With a shake of her head, she looks at me. “He does not.”

“I’m positive he does,” I push, remembering how Gretchen clung to him at the coffee shop and how big she was smiling at him the other day. “Maybe the rumor hasn’t made its way to you yet, and it's still a secret. Also, can we please not talk about this?” Thankfully, Dad enters and pulls the attention away. He’s been on the phone all day, walking people through how to program their lights to music.

“Smells delicious in here.” He presses a kiss to Mom’s cheek.

“Thanks.” She beams. “Should be ready in thirty minutes.”

She pulls the turkey from the oven and sets it on the counter so Dad can carve it after it rests. Once he’s finished, I grab the serving spoons and side dishes, then place them on the table around the turkey plate. In no time at all, we’re saying grace, then filling our plates with food.

“We’re delighted you came home to be with us. It means a lot to your mom and me,” Dad says with a prideful smile. “We’ve really missed you being here.”

“Yes, and now that you’re home, I don’t want to let you go.” She chuckles. “Also, I’m hoping you get Chicago out of your system sooner rather than later and move back. Wishful thinking, but I still believe in Christmas miracles.” She throws me a wink, and I snort with an eye roll.

“That’d be one heck of a Christmas miracle,” I tease. “But you never know what the future holds.”

The next morning, my parents and I get up early to serve lunch at the food kitchen hosted at the church. It’s a family tradition and a way for us to help the community in our own little way. Even after I left town, my parents continued doing it, and I’m happy I can participate this year.

When we arrive, we’re assigned to different serving areas. I’m on mashed potato duty, and before they open the doors, Cole stands next to me. He and his parents have always taken part in this as well.

“Merry Christmas, Sarah. I’m gravy,” he tells me, holding up a ladle.

“Nice to meet you, Gravy,” I say with a laugh and don’t miss the way my stomach flutters at how close he is to me. “You too. Hope Santa brought you everything you asked for.”

He looks at me from head to toe, then flashes a smug grin. “He did.”

My heart skips a beat, and I look away to hide the blush forming on my cheeks.

As soon as the doors open, a long line forms at the front. I pile on large scoops and make sure everyone gets as much as they want. Cole’s arm brushes against mine on occasion, causing electricity to stream through me. Even after all this time, he still has that effect. I didn’t think it was possible, but now that I’m seeing him, I know it is.

After we’ve served everyone, made to-go plates, and cleaned up, we plan to meet at the town square for a dessert potluck around the giant gazebo. Before we head over, we stop home for our desserts, and I grab a heavier coat.

Mom picks up two pumpkin pies, and I grab the sweet potato one. Dad carries a tray of chocolate brownies that he’s been eyeing since Mom pulled them out of the oven earlier.

“Ready?” he asks.

“Yep, I can’t wait to have a week-long sugar coma. Been waiting all month,” I admit with a laugh.

Mom leads the way down the sidewalk. It makes me happy to see so many participating in the dessert party. Tables are set up around the gazebo with a hot chocolate stand nearby too. After dropping off the desserts, Copyright 2016 - 2024