Winning With Him (Men of Summer #2) - Lauren Blakely Page 0,66

tender and tantalizing. Indulging in passionate, toe-curling kisses that make my mind go hazy.

Then, we break apart, panting, staring, our eyes asking is this real?

I give a quick smile and dive back in for more of Declan.

I brush my lips across his, darting the tip of my tongue against the corner of his mouth. Teasing, playing. Drawing out the sexiest little shudders from Declan.

A desperate sigh here. A euphoric moan there that floats on the night air, drifting out to the stars. It feels like dream kissing, like this is how I’d imagine him and me when my eyes are closed and I’m falling toward slumber.

Sensuous, almost otherworldly.

But so real at the same damn time.

We linger in this in-between state, our lips sliding slowly, our tongues flicking gently, the sound of our soft breaths the only noise. It’s almost like we both know we can have it all. We can have the fire and the heat, the warmth and the tenderness.

We can have it with each other.

My thumb travels along Declan’s jaw, and I separate to whisper, “Love the beard.”

The corner of his mouth hooks into a grin. “I had a feeling you might, so I grew it back for you,” he says, then hums appreciatively as he holds my face. “You shaved this evening, didn’t you? Right before you saw me?”

“I did. I know you like my face smooth.”

“I like you every way, Grant. But even that makes me happy. That you shaved for me.” He nuzzles his nose against my neck, inhaling me again like he did at the tapas bar, when he stole a whiff of me, like he was getting high. This time, he takes a long, deep breath. “My God, I’m so far gone for you,” he says, and I think this might be cloud nine.

Right here.

My heart kicks in my chest, my bones buzzing. Pretty sure I feel the way champagne tastes. I pull apart, needing his skin against mine. I reach for the hem of my shirt and tug it off, tossing it to the floor.

A ragged groan comes from Declan. He stares greedily at me before he covers my pecs with his hands. Curls them over me like he owns me. He flicks at the barbell on my nipple, making me shiver, then making me moan as he drags those rough hands down my torso, spreading over the ladder of my abs, tracing the outline of one of my new tattoos.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he rasps, letting go and ripping off his shirt too. “Bedroom. Now.”

After I toe off my shoes, I arch a brow, loop my fingers into the waistband of his jeans and tug him toward the stairs. “Gotta make it up another set of stairs if you want me naked in bed.”

He kicks off his shoes. “Mmm. I do. Want you spread out on that bed. You sent me that pic to tempt me.”

“And you have a problem with that?”

“No. I fucking love it.”

“Good. I’ll keep tempting you then.” I turn and head up the stairs, letting him enjoy the view of my ass.

He whistles appreciatively. “Damn. Look at your ass, babe.”

“Five years in the majors doing even more squats every day will do that to a rear end.”

With a laugh, he curls his palms over my ass. “God bless your daily workouts.”

Seconds later, we enter my bedroom, and I flick on the light, slide off my ring and set it on the nightstand, then spin around to savor the view. “Declan Steele. In the flesh. In my bedroom,” I say, amazed, utterly amazed, that he’s here for me. My hands take their sweet-ass time traveling over his chest, his abs, his arms.

My lips get in on the action too, as I dip my face and kiss his pecs, licking his nipples, biting, drawing out harsh moans. His hands grip my head as I explore him with my tongue, then I lift my face, our eyes finding each other. His are shimmering with raw desire, and longing too.

But it’s a new kind of longing. Like he can’t believe his luck. “No place else I’d rather be than with you,” Declan murmurs.

“Be with me,” I say, and the double meaning isn’t lost on him.

“I will,” he answers, in a voice stitched with truth.

My eyes sail down his body, stopping at my favorite part—the hard ridge in his jeans. “Mmm. Hello, big guy. It’s been a long time. But it is nice to see you again,” I say to the outline Copyright 2016 - 2024