Winning the Gentleman (Hearts on the Heath #2) - Kristi Ann Hunter Page 0,25

as well, being worked by tenant farmers. This area is all for the horses, though.”

“Oh.” She fell quiet as the stable and house came into view.

The sudden quiet he’d wished for only moments ago now set him on edge. If incessant talking meant she was nervous, what did silence mean? The removal of her voice allowed the noises of the surrounding area to press into his ears, emphasizing the sudden change.

Any hope of getting away from the stable unscathed faded as Bianca stepped through the open stable door and onto the gravel drive to meet them, calling “He’s here” over her shoulder.

Hudson emerged and moved to her side while three grooms filled the door, all staring with unapologetic curiosity.

“After all your huffing and puffing about not letting me on one of the thoroughbreds, you hire a female jockey?” Bianca crossed her arms and glared at Aaron.

Aaron refrained from wincing, but only just. Bianca lived at the neighboring estate and had been riding the pleasure horses at Hawksworth since before Aaron had taken over the management. The head groom had never let her on the thoroughbreds, even the ones that were no longer racing, and Aaron had always been in adamant agreement.

“I’m borrowing a horse for Miss Fitzroy,” he said, hoping that he could keep this encounter short.

“Perhaps Midas?” Bianca asked with an oversweet smile that was obviously fake, though her eyes glittered with mirth. “He’s spirited enough for a decent female rider.”

This time Aaron couldn’t hide the wince. He’d said that very thing to Bianca before when she’d asked to ride one of the retired racehorses. The friendship that had grown between the two of them meant Bianca was going to tease him mercilessly the moment he allowed Miss Fitzroy onto the back of a racehorse.

He couldn’t resist the urge to get in a dig or two first. “You aren’t mistress of this house yet, you know.”

“It’s only a matter of time.” She huffed and stuck her nose in the air, trying her best to look put out, but the twitch of her lips ruined the effect.

Hudson had been giving Aaron a hard look, but his gaze softened as he turned it to Bianca. “Does that mean your father is ready for me to ask for your hand?”

Bianca gave up her irritated pretense and sighed, meeting the viscount’s soft gaze with one of her own. “No. It feels like he’s going to make me wait forever.”

Aaron hadn’t orchestrated the distraction, but he’d take it. He looped Shadow’s reins on the fence and then stepped around the couple to speak to the grooms. “Saddle Poseidon.”

The grey had been an excellent racer a few years ago and was one of Aaron’s favorite mounts at Hawksworth. It would give him a good idea of whether Miss Fitzroy could actually handle a powerful horse. The ride might even frighten her into quitting.

He bit back the urge to have one of the more temperamental horses saddled instead.

The couple behind him didn’t remain distracted for as long as he’d have liked, and he and Miss Fitzroy were soon face-to-face with them again. While Bianca seemed to find the entire situation amusing, Hudson’s expression was far more concerned.

“When did you hire her?” he asked in a low voice.

“This morning.” Yesterday he’d offered a job to a man who apparently didn’t exist.

Hudson’s eyes widened.

Aaron took a deep breath. How could he explain the situation without telling the entire story? Leave out any piece of it—including Oliver’s growing insecurities—and Aaron appeared an utter madman.

One of the grooms, Miles, led Poseidon and a trail of other grooms onto the drive.

“We’ll discuss this later,” Hudson said.

Aaron had no doubt that they would. If Hudson hadn’t been considering managing his own stable and pushing Aaron out of the position before, he probably was now.

“We put Miss Snowley’s saddle on him,” Miles said. “It’s the only sidesaddle we have.”

“Oh, I can ride astride,” Miss Fitzroy said, lifting part of her skirt to reveal what she wore underneath.

Not a word was said by the people amassed in front of the stable. Even the birds seemed shocked into silence.

Aaron stared at a woman’s legs for the first time he could remember. Despite the lifted skirt, he wasn’t taking in strong calves or a delicately turned ankle. No, beneath that ill-falling skirt, Miss Fitzroy was wearing trousers.


Trousers?” Miss Snowley surged across the drive, eyes locked on the wide-leg trousers Sophia wore beneath her skirt. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

A burning sensation started at Sophia’s hairline, Copyright 2016 - 2024