Wings of the Wicked - By Courtney Allison Moulton Page 0,42

tuxedo. He wrapped an arm around Kate’s waist and kissed her on the cheek, lighting a spark of uneasiness in my gut.

“Will, Ellie.” He greeted us with a smile and met my gaze. “You’re looking lovely.”

“Thanks,” I said. “I like your suit. You look like the fanciest tomato I’ve ever seen in my life.”

He laughed. “How sweet of you. I really do like your dress. Red is a good color on you.”

A river of ice rushed through my veins. Bastian had said the same thing to me when I’d met him, but instead of wearing a red dress that night, I had been drenched with blood.

Marcus gave me a strange look. “You okay, Ell?”

I brushed it off. “I’m fine. I’ll be right back.” I needed a cool drink. The refreshments buffet was along the adjacent wall, near some plush chairs and loveseats set in the darkest corner of the room. I walked over and filled a cup with punch and sipped quickly, relishing the cool, sugary syrup running down my throat.

“Did I say something wrong?” asked Marcus as he stopped by my side.

I waved a hand at him. “When you said red was a good color on me, it reminded me … it’s just something that Bastian said to me. Got a little freaked out for a second. I’m all right.”

“I’m sorry,” he said gently. “I didn’t mean to bring up a bad memory.” He held out a hand. “Dance with me.”

I stared at his hand and then his face. “Really?”

“Oh, yes,” he said. “I am a superb dancer. Now, I want to see a smile on your face.”

He led me out to the dance floor and immediately spun and twirled me around like a professional. We dipped and whirled through the crowd, laughing and having a great time. I wished that Marcus was someone else, but I was happy having fun with him. When the song ended, I gave him a big hug and he returned it tightly.

“That’s much better,” he said, laughing. “You’re beautiful when you smile.”

Suddenly Kate shoved her way through the swarm of dancing people and grabbed my arm. “Save me.”

“Why?” I sputtered as she yanked me off the dance floor and dragged me into a quiet parlor down the hall.

“Josie,” she said. “Apparently there was a reason why she said everyone had to wear red or black. She’s wearing white.”

I grimaced. Of course Josie would want to be the one person standing out. “She’s pissed, huh?”

“I didn’t think she had it in her to get angry, but she gave me a look like straight-up murder.”

“Should we flee?”

“No,” she said. “Let’s just chill in here for a bit. Let her find something sparkly to distract her.”

“Wise move,” I noted.

Kate’s face brightened and she grinned. “Doesn’t Marcus look hot tonight?”


“I think I’m falling for him, Ell.”

I forced a smile. “Really? Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

Her grin faded. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“He’s just… ,” I started, trying to dig out the right words. “He’s not a normal guy.”

“I know!” she chirped. “And that’s what makes him so amazing. He’s drop-dead gorgeous, so smart, he dresses so nice, and his eyes. Have you seen his eyes? They’re like gemstones. They don’t even look real. And sometimes I swear they get brighter. Kind of like how Will’s eyes get, you know? Not that I was checking him out … all the time …”

I gave her a fake glare. “Yeah, well… ,” I trailed off nervously. Marcus and Will were reapers. Their eyes were pretty much out of this world, just like the rest of them.

She smiled to herself. “And he’s sweet to me, Ell. No games, no immature high school boy nonsense. He is everything I want.”

“Could it be too good to be true?”

She frowned. “What is the matter with you? Do you think I’m just a piece of ass on his to-do list? I’m sensing a lot of hate here.”

“No, no, not hate,” I said. “He’s just … he’s dangerous, Kate.”

She laughed. “Oh, seriously? What, is he in fight club or something? Oh wait. We’re not supposed to talk about that.”

“I am serious, Kate,” I said firmly. “Look, just be careful.”

“Why do you want me to stay away from him so badly?” she asked, folding her arms over her chest. “Do you like him?”

“No! You know that’s not true. You know how I feel about Will.”

“I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand.”

The truth was, I couldn’t explain it to her. Maybe it was because immortal reapers Copyright 2016 - 2024