Wings of the Wicked - By Courtney Allison Moulton Page 0,151

stayed in our gowns, getting as much use out of them as possible, but by this time we’d all taken off our heels, to give our feet a break.

As the night wore on and I’d had enough of dancing and beer pong, I found Will and eased up to him. I pressed my hands into his chest and slid them south. A playful grin toyed with the corners of his mouth as I bit my lower lip and slipped the tips of my fingers into his waistband. I tugged him closer to me. “I need some air,” I said with an edge to my voice. “Do you need some air?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I need some air.”

I walked backward, dragging him along by his pants. “Let’s go get some air.”

Outside, the air was cool but tolerable, and just enough to wake us both up. It was quiet besides our soft laughter, and when we came to a stop, he wrapped a hand around my cheek, smoothing his thumb across my skin.

“Did you have a good time?” he asked.

“Tonight was amazing,” I replied with a smile. “Thank you, Will. For everything. You are wonderful.”

“I just want you to be happy and safe.”

“With you, I am.”

He smiled. “Good.” He kissed me and I threw my arms around his neck.

“I think,” I said as I pulled back to look into his face, “that we should go back to your house soon.”

His smile widened. “Yeah?”

I nodded, but the happiness in his expression faded to a frown. He pulled back and his shoulders became rigid. I stared at him and his jaw tightened.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, running my fingers up and down his neck soothingly.

He let out an annoyed grunt and squeezed me a little tighter. “Cadan. I’m going to kick his ass. Again.”

I laughed. “Why?”

“He tried to kiss you.”

I rolled my eyes. I knew him well enough to know it was all just hot air. “So? I didn’t let him.”

“Doesn’t matter.” His expression and hold on me softened. He kissed my hair and said against it, “You’re still mine.”

Being sweet wasn’t going to make me forget his threat. “I’m so tired of this macho male ridiculousness. If you hit him, I hope he hits you back.”

“Me too. Then I’ll hit him even harder.”

I glared up at him and he grinned at me. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Well, you’re mine,” he repeated, softer now, dipping his face to mine. “And kissing you is my job.”

“Is it now?”

“Mmm-hmm,” he murmured, and kissed me, luxuriously slow.

“So sweet” came a deep, growling voice from the trees.

Will and I sprang apart, startled, and shock waves of terror ripped through my body. Demonic power slithered through the grass toward our feet like a mob of snakes.

It was Merodach. His horned, winged form was cast blue in the moonlight, his dark skin gleaming and sporting the angelfire scar I gave him. Behind him was the spike-headed Rikken, his mouth dribbling thick saliva down his chin.

Will threw a protective arm over me and stepped forward. How had they found me? I didn’t want to fight. I wanted the demonic reapers to go away. This night had been too perfect, too incredible—too good to be true. This couldn’t be happening. I didn’t want to fight tonight. I just wanted to be with Will … for one night of peace and happiness…. That was all I wanted, and I couldn’t have anything I wanted. Hell had to ruin everything.

“The war is nigh, Preliator, and the storm is coming,” Merodach boomed, his power pressing on my skin like cold, heavy snow.

“Did you come all the way out here just to tell us the forecast?” Will snarled, charging right into battle mode, his sweetness and tenderness only a faint memory now. An instant was all it took for him to become prepared to kill.

Merodach snapped his eyes to Will. “I have come to finish what I started. Sammael and Lilith have no use for you, Guardian. They require the vessel of Gabriel only.”

“Your boss is dead,” I shouted at him. “Bastian is gone, so why are you still trying to capture me?”

“Bastian was naught but a foolish pawn,” Merodach said defiantly. “He was never in control. I am in control, and I want you to suffer. Rikken, make the Guardian bleed.”

It all happened so fast, I hadn’t even had time to react. Rikken vanished and reappeared directly in front of Will. Will threw a punch, and Rikken ducked and grabbed his left arm. His grasp was firm, and then he Copyright 2016 - 2024