Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,91

bright-blue canvas tarp covered a large bundle. Cyler removed it and revealed an odd looking contraption. It had two circular, black inflated pieces of thick, ridged rubber connected by a seat and what appeared to be handlebars. It was all black and intriguing.

“It’s a motorcycle,” Cyler explained. “The old world used it as transportation. Tires haven’t been used in ages, but they make for a fun bumpy ride.” He slid what appeared to be a small, metal ridged rod in a miniature port hole while mounting the seat. He pressed a leg down forcefully on a lever at the bottom and the machine roared to life. It sounded like a guttural growl and was steadfast with such intensity that I couldn’t help but smile.

Cyler waved to me to join him, and I raised my merlot skirt above my knees while throwing my left leg over the seat. My feet rested on two protruding pegs on either side of the machine. I pressed close to Cyler, and he grabbed my hands, wrapping them around his abs. I felt the ridge of his muscles beneath the thin material of his black shirt. The closeness made me want to take advantage of his nearness and run my fingers along the crevasses of his muscles.

“Hold on, babe,” Cyler said, and then we took off.

It took a moment to get used to the strange sensation. Wind pressed against me, and I learned to move with Cyler as we took each turn. He increased his speed once we hit a long strip of open space, and I squealed in delight, causing Cyler to shake in laughter. It felt truly freeing to be with him in that moment. Nothing else mattered.

As we traveled, I noticed a city in the distance. Grass and shrubs were overgrown, and metal buildings were scattered between the trees and plants. I realized instantly that this must be the old Dormas, before X hit and they had to relocate. Cyler drove through it, and I peered at the dead city with sadness. Cyler’s rigid frame hinted that he, too, felt the ominous feel of the old town.

As he continued to drive, each bump in the road made me feel like I was going to fly off the contraption. Soon, we arrived at a large abandoned house that looked nearly identical to the Black Manor. He parked the motorcycle and we dismounted. My legs wobbled from the intense vibrations and the adrenaline. Cyler wordlessly led the way around the house and towards the back, while I followed and avoided the large shrubs that tickled my ankles.

Finally, we arrived at a large tree. A strip of wood that looked like a ladder was bolted to the tree’s trunk.

“Time to climb, babe,” Cyler instructed while stepping on the bottom ledge and ascending the incredibly large tree. I followed suit, despite the pounding fear within me. It wasn’t the height that made me nervous. It was the sight of Cyler’s flexing muscles as he gripped each ledge and how utterly alone we were.

I followed him, and by the time we reached the top, I was out of breath. Cyler pulled me through an open hatch, and I found myself standing on an enclosed platform. It was a small room within the canopy of the tree. Abandoned toys that were faded or rusted littered the floor, and I noticed a sign on one wall that said “No Girls Allowed” which made me grin in amusement.

I pointed to it. “Should I leave?” Cyler saw what was making me laugh and immediately chuckled.

“You’re no girl, Ash. You’re all woman,” he said in a smoky tone that made me flush and the temperature increase by at least ten degrees. “My father and Kemper’s grandfather built this for us. We had a lot of adventures here.” Cyler chuckled while looking around. He had to crouch low, as the ceiling was about six feet tall. “Jules was always thinking of ways to sneak in.”

I made my way over to a window and gasped. From here, I could see the tops of the trees. Sunlight danced along the leaves, and birds flew overhead. My sight stretched as far as the deadlands, and I noticed a green haze in the air off in the distance.

“It’s so beautiful, Cy,” I whispered.

“I’m glad I could show you this.” Cyler walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my stomach, pulling me close. This felt so intimate, almost like a date. Cyler and I were two magnets with Copyright 2016 - 2024