Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,86

and embraced him with a hug and kiss. I—I don’t think I’ll ever get the image of her frail arms wrapped around his bloody body out of my mind,” Maverick said. His words shook, and he pinched his arm as he spoke.

“She ended his life by stabbing him in the gut with my uncle’s blade, to end his suffering; it was a truly selfless act. Within three days, the first sores began to develop on her own skin, and she ended her own life.” Maverick peered down at his shoes, but his gaze was elsewhere.

“I never told Cyler or Jules that I knew—that I could have stopped Mom from going to him. That I could have been the one to ease his suffering. I was too ashamed. Our Mother did what I couldn’t. She accepted his fate and ran out to join him in death.”

Tears began to fall down my cheeks as I absorbed Maverick’s story. “I’m so sorry, Maverick,” I said, sobbing while wondering how deep his mother’s love was for his father. Would I have had the courage to end someone's life?

“I’m far too familiar with death, Ash,” Maverick whispered.

I approached him like one would a wild animal—with caution and respect. After maneuvering myself between his opened, outstretched legs, I rested my head against his thudding heart. My arms instinctively wrapped around him, and after a moment’s pause, he returned my hug with care.

“I’m determined to finish my father’s work. To replicate the cure and free our province from the Empire’s clutches. I want to mass produce the cure, I want to completely eradicate X,” he growled with a resolve that I felt in my bones. “When Kindle was murdered, it reminded me that there is no time for distractions, there’s too much at stake.” His words sank through me like lead, and I immediately distanced myself.

I was the distraction he spoke of. It was my birthday he was attending when Kindle was murdered and the Galla Guards escaped. I took two giant steps backward to distance myself from the blow of his words. My mind collapsed into an agonized womb of consciousness. I understood Maverick’s feelings and wholeheartedly agreed that he should focus on finding the cure, but I still felt sad. It didn’t mean that I couldn’t feel sorrow or even longing. It just meant that now was not the time to act upon it.

“What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?” He stretched out his arm to touch the side of my face, but I distanced myself more, avoiding his touch.

“I care for you, Maverick. For all of you. And I’m no stranger to patience. I understand what you need to do; I respect what you need to do. But I don’t have to like it. I don’t have to sit here and pretend that I’m okay with you distancing yourself from me,” I said while wrapping my arms around my midsection as if to hold the emotions I felt at bay. “I’m not asking for your undivided attention. I’m just asking for a sliver of it. Don’t push me away. Let me help you.” I felt the pangs of rejection attach themselves into my confidence.

“You’re not the distraction I spoke of, Ash. At least, not in the way you’re thinking,” Maverick bit out with worried eyes. Once again, he reached for me, but this time I allowed his fingers to grab onto my arms.

“Jealousy is a distraction. Repressing my feelings for you, is a distraction.” His words washed over me, and I scooted closer. “I care for you, Ashleigh, probably more than I should. I just need to work on it all. It feels like there’s never enough time.” Maverick’s intensity consumed me, and I yearned to explore the possibilities of his intentions with me.

This subtle switch in the dynamic between us was still very new, and I was more than willing to wait it out and let it evolve on its own terms. I was just happy to know that I wasn’t the only one feeling this anticipation, this craving.

“As far as helping me,” he said, “I’m glad you offered. I was hoping to use a sample of your blood. Since you have natural immunity, we might be able to use it to figure out the last element to the vaccine.” The sudden shift in topics gave me whiplash, and I shook my head to rid myself of the dazed possibilities in his previous words.

He gently grabbed my shoulders and directed me Copyright 2016 - 2024