Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,83

was a fairly fun job. They even took lunch breaks with the miners, which had resulted in a lot of new relationships. “Kemper said that the apple orchard—” I started before Jules cut me off.

“Save it. We’ve got to go. I just wanted to make sure this Scavenger knew that she wasn’t welcome here, despite what my ignorant brothers may say.”

Her prejudice was frustrating. “Well, I guess you are the expert on not being welcome,” I replied with a sarcastic shrug, causing everyone’s mouths to gape open at me. Apparently, it was no secret how Jules stumbled upon harvest duty, but it wasn’t necessarily something brought up in polite company. Word travels fast in a small province, and I’m sure everyone would soon be gossiping about how Jules Black was put in her place by a mere Walker.

Mia gave Jules a sinister smile, spurring the group to move along. I watched them walk away and again wondered when I became such an outspoken person. Once they were out of earshot, Mia whirled around and graced me with a beautiful, genuine smile .

“My little Agrio to the rescue!” Mia gushed while looping her arm around mine. I felt terrible that Jules and her mini gang were bullying her.

“Jules is a petulant bully. We’re thankful to have your camp join us in Dormas,” I said before I could stop myself. When did I start using “we” and “us” to describe the Dormas Leadership Council? I shook away the questions and conflict that plagued me.

“What brings you here?” I asked.

“We had three more infected Walkers drift about six miles outside of our camp. We decided to move up our migration plans. I came with the first half of the group; the second half will join us in two suns. Tallis doesn’t fully trust the vaccination. If we're honest, he doesn’t trust much of anything Lackley has touched.” I couldn’t help but agree with Tallis’ distrust of the Empire. “Besides,” Mia continued, “when word got to us that the Galla Guards escaped, Tallis felt that we needed to honor our end of the deal and provide some assistance.”

“He seems like a good leader,” I said, not willing to discuss Kindle's death and the Galla Guard's escape much further. Those lingering thoughts still preyed on me.

“He gets his best ideas from me.” She wiggled her white eyebrows. “Besides, I’m happy to spend some time with my little Agrio! ” She squealed in a high-pitched voice that seemed foreign coming out of her warrior-like body. “I’ve missed you. I feel like we’re kindred souls out here in the outer rim of the empire. Plus, I wanted to hear if Huxley manned up and kissed you yet.” She winked at me.

Her statement caused me to trip over myself and fall flat on my face. Literally. I kissed the dirt floor of the city walk until Mia manhandled me back up to a standing position with her bright but wicked smile.

Her question brought on a slew of memories I wasn’t willing to analyze yet. I couldn’t help but remember the ghost of a kiss Patrick whispered over my lips. I wondered if Huxley would be gentle, or if he would kiss me the same way he spoke to me. Harsh. Passionate. Intentional. I blushed which caused Mia to appraise me with an amused grin.

“I know that look,” she said with a wink. “Hell, I invented that look.” Mia clicked her tongue three times while her eyes stabbed every inch of my insecurities. I felt my cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. It was still weird to think about her and Huxley together.

After squirming under her observation, Mia squealed. “So you do like Huxley!”

“Don’t say that out loud!” I whisper-shouted at her while glancing around to make sure no one overheard us. I nervously wiped sweat from my brow.

“Why not?” she replied in yet another loud voice while skipping back down the street. Her white hair bounced with each step.

I was about to explain that Huxley couldn’t know what was happening, but then quickly shut my mouth. Why couldn’t I talk about it? With Josiah, I had to repress all my desires, but here, nothing was holding me back. I was allowed to like someone or even feel attraction. Here, I wasn’t unworthy of anyone.

“Okay, fine. Yes. I think Huxley is ridiculously handsome when he broods. When I’m not thinking about his frowning lips, I’m thinking about the way Cyler hugs me, or how Jacob holds my hands. How Patrick Copyright 2016 - 2024