Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,8

You wouldn’t be a servant in my home,” he whispered, and my cheeks heated at his insinuation.

“Enough,” Josiah ordered while pounding his fist on the dining room table. Everyone turned to stare at him. His face was red, and I noticed a small vein throbbing consistently on his forehead. He was visibly upset.

“I apologize, Josiah! Wasn’t it you that said Walkers were like roaches?” Master Black took a sip of his wine, and the hurt that coursed through me stabbed at the edges of my heart. I kept my face still to keep the tears at bay. Josiah didn’t respond and, again, avoided looking at me. I couldn’t help but feel betrayed.

"The Walker phenomena is a new concept to the Dormas province. Everyone within our community contributes. Wealth and status do not determine a citizen's rations. I find your ways peculiar,” he continued.

“Respectfully,” joined in Mistress Stonewell. “I’d like to add that, obviously, your ways aren’t necessarily working. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here negotiating for Walkers to help with your little skirmishes with the scavengers.” Mistress Stonewell then took a bite of her food. She had a happy gleam in her eyes.

Master Black smiled politely in response, but I noticed his knuckles were white and clenched tightly in the form of a fist. “Oh yes, ma’am, you are quite right, but I’d like to add that it was you that invited me. I wonder what that says about the effectiveness of your system.” His boisterous laugh then filled the room, making me smile. Despite his rough, severe exterior, Master Black was snarky and fun.

“I’d like to take you on a tour of Galla tomorrow, with your brother’s permission,” Josiah said to Jules. He maintained a forced, polite tone, but jealousy still flooded me like a tidal wave of fire.

“Oh, that would simply be lovely!” Jules exclaimed while twirling her hair on her index finger.

“Would you mind if I joined the both of you? I don’t want to intrude on your courtship, but I would very much enjoy a tour,” Master Black said. A slight pout formed on Jules’ face, making me wonder if she thought it made her look cute.

“Of course, you are most welcome to join us,” Josiah replied.

The rest of dinner went by without any major disasters. I mostly remained invisible in the corner of the room, making myself available if they needed anything, but primarily focusing on my nails. I briefly noticed Josiah peering longingly at me, but I chalked it up as my wishful imagination. Josiah was consistently polished and professional.

Chapter Four

Eventually, everyone excused themselves and I made quick work of clearing the table and cleaning the kitchen. I wanted to escape to the solitude of the basement as quickly as possible and avoid speaking with Josiah at all costs.

I turned the water to a scalding-hot temperature and let the natural pain distract me while I scrubbed dishes until my fingers tingled. I felt a broad sense of sadness settle in my chest.

Josiah was getting married. Married! Was I just another Walker to him? A roach? I shuddered at the thought of Josiah thinking so lowly of me. I knew it was unrealistic to hope that he and I could ever act upon this unspoken tension between us. But, could I honestly handle sitting here, watching him build a family with Jules?

For a fleeting moment, I considered Master Black’s offer to go with him to Dormas. His whispered promise that I wouldn’t live as a Walker in his home had me wondering what life would be like there. Cyler Black was a unique blend of terrifying, but his offer was intriguing. Would I find happiness elsewhere? Would escaping all of this pain be better?

The door to the kitchen opened, and I turned to face the intruder after removing my hands from the burning-hot water in the sink. Josiah stood in the kitchen entryway with his arms crossed over his thick, defined, chest. He wore a defeated expression that made my heart stutter. I wanted nothing more than to hug him tightly, but once again I kept my distance.

Despite feeling hurt by everything, the urge to comfort him was still present–strangling me with a need so fierce, I couldn’t help but take deep breaths to calm down.

“Say something, Ashleigh, please. God. Just . . . say something.” His voice sounded rough and worn, and he looked down at his polished shoes.

“What is there to say, Josiah?” I asked him with a shrug. His eyes zeroed in on Copyright 2016 - 2024