Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,71

to see that you’ve moved on from my sister.” He then whistled playfully to himself and walked ahead of us to speak with Kemper.

As Tallis walked away, Huxley stuttered out in delayed response, “I—I don’t know what you’re talking about." This caused both Mia and Tallis to break out in booming laughter that ricocheted off the glowing trees and vines.

Once on the train, we said our goodbyes and unloaded crates of the vaccine. I smiled, thinking about all the Scavenger children that would receive it. Mia wrapped me in a long hug that left me feeling confused about everything I thought I knew about the Scavengers and their way of life.

These people were kind. They were eccentric but still pleasant. She also wrapped Huxley in a friendly hug, and I saw the history between them, but also saw that their relationship was purely platonic, despite it. I left the deadlands seeing the Scavengers as a little more human and, once again, questioned the humanity of the Galla leaders.

Chapter Five

I fell asleep on Kemper’s shoulder during the ride back home. The adrenaline and anxiety left me feeling exhausted. However, I was disappointed that I didn’t soak up as much time as possible with the guys before we were back in Dormas and under Jules’ determined reign. When I woke up to Kemper’s sweet smile and tentative hand on my arm, I almost forgot all the troubles that plagued us.

“You did great last night,” he whispered while lifting me up in his arms and carrying me outside the train. The sun had just started to rise, and Cyler had the transport ready to take me back to the manor, so we wouldn't have to walk in our exhausted state. Kemper carefully placed me in the leather bucket seat next to Cyler, and I was amazed by his strength and control despite his smaller frame.

Jacob sadly waved goodbye while making his way to his office at the train station, and concern enveloped me. I hated that he didn’t feel like he could come home. I made a mental note to corner him and discuss it later. The house felt empty without Jacob's flirtatious presence, and I wanted us to go back to the way things were before she reclaimed her toxic place in their lives. Something needed to happen with Jules’ living arrangements and soon .

“I feel like I haven’t slept in days,” I said in a tired voice while snuggling deeper into Cyler’s muscular side. I used my sleepy state as an excuse to be close to him. Kemper leaned inside the open transport door, and I noticed that he, too, seemed exhausted and worn down.

“Come on, babe, let's go home,” Cyler said in a soothing tone while rubbing small circles on my lower back. We made our way back and quietly entered the manor. All of us were careful not to make any noise and alert Jules of our presence.

Most nights, I slept in Jacob’s now vacant room, but Cyler wordlessly guided me towards his room. I was too tired to fight him over the sleeping arrangements. Not to mention, a small part of me reveled in the idea of falling into the security and comfort Cyler offered. I still struggled with the confusing dynamic between us.

We bypassed all awkwardness and slid fully clothed beneath the white covers of his bed. I forced myself not to examine what this meant or worry about what the others would think. We simply fell into a deep sleep.

“How very interesting .”

A high-pitched voice rang throughout my dreams, causing my eyes to flutter open and observe my surroundings. I was nestled into a hot chest, and a broad hand was tightly clutching the curve of my butt, pulling me close to a solid frame. Light snores filled the space around me, and after a few blinks, I remembered where I was and who I was with. I tried squirming out of Cyler’s hold, but he merely clutched me tighter, causing a wave of tingles to shoot to my core.

“Ah, babe, keep still, you’re so warm,” Cyler whispered in a breathy voice. A cruel laugh reminded me that we weren’t alone, and Cyler woke with a start. Once shaking the sleep from his eyes, he immediately withdrew himself from me, sat up, and piled the thick, cotton comforter on his lap .

Somehow in the middle of the night he lost his shirt, and I couldn’t help but stare at his defined chest and abs. I drank Copyright 2016 - 2024