Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,66

distraction from the anxiety that plagued me.

Too soon, the train stopped, and Jacob opened the trolley door, revealing miles and miles of overgrown wilderness. Plush greens and browns filled my vision for as far as I could see, and a robust and earthy scent filled my nose.

“Welcome to the deadlands,” a throaty voice said. Outside the train, stood a tall, stunning woman. She had long white-blonde hair and deep-brown eyes framed by white lashes. Her nose was narrow, and plump round lips took up a large part of her face. She was wearing black pants, black boots, and a black backless shirt that tied around her neck and exposed a sliver of her stomach. Her eyes brightened when she saw Huxley behind me, and I realized that this ridiculously beautiful woman was Huxley’s ex.

Huxley gave me a small and timid glance before gently pushing me aside and making his way down the steps into her outstretched arms. She gracefully wrapped herself around him, and he kissed her on the lips in a brief but intimate display that spoke volumes about their relationship. I clenched my stomach, surprised by the gnawing pain that erupted within me by seeing them together.

“It’s so good to see you Latria Mu ,” she cooed, causing me to choke on the bile that rose up my throat .

“Likewise, Mia,” Huxley replied with, dare I say it, a smile . Mia got more smiles from Huxley within the first two minutes of their reunion than I’ve gotten in the entire past month.

“Welcome everyone. My brother is waiting to speak with you,” Mia said with smiling, mischievous eyes. “He’s in a particularly good mood, so we must pounce while the opportunity is hot!” she exclaimed in a poised yet cheeky tone. While exiting the train, Mia grabbed my arm and forcefully helped me down the steps. “It's so good to finally meet you. I’ve heard much about the wild-haired woman that’s got my Latria Mu all out of sorts.” She chuckled while Huxley groaned.

“I’m happy to be here,” I politely replied while straightening my ankle-length tawny skirt and cerulean lace top. Mia pulled me closer to her and helped me navigate the wild vines and roots that covered every inch of the forest floor as we made our way towards the Scavenger’s camp. I eyed the guys, but none of them seemed concerned with the tight, but guiding grip Mia had on me.

“Did any of these men warn you about what to expect today?” she asked in a chiding tone while raising a white eyebrow at me.

“Not really. Everything I know about scavengers, I learned from the Galla news reports, and even those are rare,” I replied softly. It felt surreal talking to a Scavenger.

Mia openly scoffed and snorted, a sound that somehow made her sound even more attractive. “Galla puts out so much propaganda about my people, they don’t know the truth anymore. They don’t agree with anything that doesn’t conform to the Empire’s rules.” The bridge of her nose rippled in disgust.

“My brother’s name is Tallis. When you meet him, you can address him as such. He's seventeen and officially the youngest man to ever pass our leadership trials. He’s rough around the edges but don't let him fool you. He’s a closet softie,” she said with a hint of pride and a smirk. “We might be one of the smaller camps, but we are wildly protective of what’s ours. ”

I couldn’t help but wonder if she was referring to Huxley.

My eyes widened before snapping to Huxley’s back. His rigid figure walked ahead of us, but I noticed his head was tilted towards us as if trying to inconspicuously listen to our conversation.

Mia’s chuckle made the dark trees seem less threatening. “Don’t worry Agrio , he hasn’t been mine for quite some time,” she whispered. She gave me a knowing glance that said my concern for Huxley was more evident than I intended to let on.

“What does Agrio mean?” I asked.

“Simply put, it means Wild one.” She smiled, and I noticed that her teeth were unusually sharp, as if she purposefully shaved them into little fine points. I made a mental note to ask Kemper later if that was a common practice amongst Scavengers.

I giggled loudly, causing everyone to direct their attention towards us. Huxley’s face turned bright red. “I’m far from wild!” I exclaimed with another giggle. The thought of anyone labeling me as such was beyond humorous, and I belly laughed for the first Copyright 2016 - 2024