Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,52

I locked eyes with each of them, gathering whatever strength I could. Lastly, my eyes landed on Huxley. He nodded a bit, and I took that as encouragement to say what I needed to say.

“I would hate for it to be an unfair trade. Until better arrangements can be made, I suggest that Jules travel back with you. This could be an opportunity for you both to reconsider the engagement and for us to find an equal opportunity to revise the contract. The resources in the Dormas province are quite impressive, and I’m sure we can come to some agreement.” I borrowed the arrogance that Mistress Stonewell used daily and forced myself to sound reasonable during my speech. I expected Josiah to scowl, but instead, I was rewarded with a small smile. Maybe the old Josiah was still somewhere in there.

“I see,” was all he said. “Well, I guess Jules and I will need to pack for our trip. We will put a hold on all trade until a more suitable agreement can be made.”

I looked over at Jules, and her mouth was hanging open in pure shock and rage.

“But . . . but Cyler, surely I can stay?” she pleaded.

“I’m sorry, Jules, you know how politics can be,” Jacob said with a smirk. He was practically bouncing with enthusiasm, and apparently, happy with our little meeting.

Everyone made their way to the entryway. I watched as the Black family built a wall between me, Josiah, Jules, preventing them from speaking to me. Once outside, I pushed through to give Josiah one last hug. Regardless of my decision, I still cared for him in ways I didn’t quite understand. We had a toxic love, but there was love between us, nevertheless.

I heard Cyler practically growl when I pushed through their wall of bodies. I called after Josiah, and when he turned around, I cautiously put my arms out to hug him, not caring about my status or what anyone thought. He crushed my body to him, and I relished the warmth and familiarity of it. I knew deep in my soul that this wasn’t the end. I’d see Josiah again.

“This isn’t over,” he whispered to me.

No, no it wasn’t.

Chapter Twenty-One

Josiah and his men left within the hour. The Black brothers wasted absolutely no time at all in getting rid of them. Something nagged at the back of my mind that this was too easy, but I assumed it was my natural disposition to be the skeptic.

Jacob spent the rest of the morning trying to cheer me up. He helped me bake the cake for the Solstice Festival, and occasionally the others would visit us in the kitchen to check on me. I was treated like a porcelain doll, and part of me was annoyed by it, but the other part, thankful. As always, Maverick was most perceptive to my heartbreak, and instead of trying to cheer me up, he corralled everyone out of the kitchen so that I could work alone and in silence.

I had almost completed a four-tiered cake and was putting the finishing touches on it when Huxley and Patrick entered the kitchen.

Maverick didn’t immediately kick them out, so I wondered what they needed. Huxley plopped down at the kitchen table with a frown, but Patrick bounced up to me with a broad, flirtatious, grin.

“We got you something, beautiful,” his voice rang.

I politely smiled, but the emotion didn’t fully reach my heart. Huxley pulled up a brown sack and threw it over at me carelessly, causing both Maverick and Patrick to frown at him.

“Here. I don’t know if it’ll fit you, but you needed something nice for the festival,” Huxley said with a shrug.

I opened the bag to find a long, olive-green dress made of thin material. It was strapless, and the top was cut in a heart-shape with the fabric gathered in ruffled bunches. The rest draped delicately down in a straight line. It was beautiful. Stunning. Way too nice for me.

“Oh, I can’t possibly–” I began.

“Hush!” Patrick interrupted. “Don’t go back to being the martyr. You needed something nice, and we got it for you. Huxley even picked you out a nice necklace to match,” he said in a teasing tone.

I dug further into the bag and found a necklace draped loosely at the bottom. It was three cords of thick pearls braided together into a beautiful necklace.

“Thank you” I whispered.

After thanking them again, Maverick ushered the twins out of the kitchen so that I could continue Copyright 2016 - 2024