Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,410

screen of my Tablet.

"If I don't make it, I need you to go back to Dormas. I need you to protect my people," he pleaded.

My heart sank as I took in the danger we faced. I wanted to leap through the Tablet and pull him through. I shook as nausea gripped me.

"I refuse to make such a ridiculous promise," I replied. “You’ll be fine.” I expected him to reassure me, but he didn’t.

“I just sent the coordinates. I’ll meet you at the safe house, be safe Agapimenos.”

I wanted to keep him on the line to reassure myself that he was ok. My mouth went dry with uncertainty and I cursed that I didn’t fight to go with them, that I didn’t trust my gut.

“Nikketa!” I yelled throughout the camp as I stomped through the maze of tents. With tears streaming down my face, I tried to make a plan. The fear that gripped me was nothing like what I felt when I learned of Cyler and Patrick's disappearance. This was a debilitating fear.

They’ve been taken. All of them.

His words circled over and over in my head. I wanted to crumble and scream. I couldn't think. Couldn't speak. I needed my Scavenger with his riddles and kisses. I needed to feel the rumble of his voice. I needed to hold him.

A man with long white and teal hair stopped me.

“Are you okay Mistress?” he asked. I recognized him as the Scavenger that was Tallis’ sparring partner, Thurst.

I swallowed down the bile that threatened to snake up my throat. I placed a shaky hand on my forehead before speaking. “Can you show me where Mia’s tent is?”

“Sure,” he offered while pointing towards a tent to the left of us.

I briefly thanked him before running inside and finding her trunk of clothes. There was nothing but weapons and leather. If I was going on a rescue mission, then I’d dress the part.

I was going to wear trousers. Mother fucking trousers.

Chapter Seventeen

I left camp without talking to anyone. I was on a mission and refused to let anyone stop me. No longer would I be the woman that hid away in a safe place. Today, I was the hero. A terrified, panic-prone hero. But a hero nevertheless.

Many Dormas citizens crowded around me on my way to Black Manor. Angry chatter filled the town’s center, and Mark Caverly blocked my path with a grim look on his face. "Where is the leadership council, Jules?" he demanded but I didn't respond. I wasn’t in charge here. I was on a mission.

People flooded out of their buildings and homes, bombarding me with questions and concerns.

"Where is Cyler?!" a man asked with a frown.

"Where are you going?" another asked.

I wanted to keep moving, but they blocked my path. Irritation hit me, and in a moment of frustration, I let loose a screech which caused the mob to stop and stare.

“No need to burn the town down. I’ve got this under control,” I yelled with a nonchalant wave of my hand.

I hoped my reassurance would placate them, but instead, more questions were thrown my way. This time with much more anger.

"Where are you going?"

"Who’s in charge?"

I looked up to the sky and sighed deeply. I didn't envy my brother's job at this moment.

“Look, I don’t have time to answer your questions, I’ve got places to be,” I complained as someone pushed closer. I took a step back but was pushed into a thick chest. I screeched again.


The crowds pushed as more complaints were thrown my way.

"She was kicked out of their home, she probably doesn’t even know where they are!” a man who I recognized as being a mine worker yelled before pushing into me. Someone pulled my hair, and I fell to my knees as chaos broke out. The normally calm people of Dormas were crumbling under their fear, and I was their unwitting victim.

A loud shot pierced through the sky. The bang reverberated throughout the town's center like a firework. Dormas citizens dispersed and moved away from me while I stood dusting off my pants.

Once my eyes focused through the dirt and crowds, I saw a group of Scavengers, some of them I remembered from my classes, some from the mines. In the middle stood Nikketa who held a shiny, black metal object angled with a handle.

"You all back off that poor woman this instant!" Nikketa yelled out over everyone. People immediately stepped away as the stern Scavengers walked towards me. Their eyes were fierce and Copyright 2016 - 2024