Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,363

out of their way to be nice without expecting something in return.

Even though I knew her motivations to help me were diluted by the pathetic hope that I could miraculously get Kemper to court her, I hated working in the gardens. So, I’d dangle the hope that I could set them up for as long as she was willing to help. Which, with a bit of luck, would be through the entirety of harvest.

“We grew up together,” I admitted while clumsily gliding my scythe through the wheat. Kemper was too caught up in saving Dormas and his new little Walker whore, Ashleigh, to pay any mind to his best friends’ kid sister. It was Jacob—always Jacob—that I connected with. He saw me, truly saw me. But I wouldn’t be telling Becca that.

“You’re so lucky.” She sighed and fanned herself, a move that had nothing to do with how hot it was and everything to do with her thoughts about Kemper. How terribly embarrassing. Pathetic little Walker, didn’t she know that pining after someone out of her league made her look weak?

“Skimping on your duties, Jules?” A familiar and annoyingly pompous voice called out from behind me. Becca turned and smiled while slowly wiping sweat from her raised brows.

“Hello, Master Maverick! I was just helping your sister. She’s having some trouble adjusting to the heat,” Becca said in a chipper voice. Her eyes roamed up and down his body. I lifted the corner of my lip in disgust at her obvious perusal before turning to meet his disapproving gaze.

“Jules is more than capable of getting her work completed on her own,” he said with a frown. “Go back to the dorms.”

Becca gave me a sympathetic smile before dusting off her hands and walking off. I rolled my shoulders back as I slipped into my usual cool facade. It was my emotional armor. Our last encounter, when I was kicked out of my own home, I let my anger slip. Now I was determined to appear unaffected.

“What are you wearing?” Maverick asked. He rolled his eyes and adjusted a large, brown canvas pack higher up on his shoulder. I looked down at my tan, lace skirt and white crochet top. It was hot and not conducive for all the movement my new punishment required, but it was worth it. I didn’t want these other Walker women thinking I was one of them.

“What do you mean?” I replied with a smirk. “The best designer in Ethros made it.”

“You look ridiculous. Why don’t you wear the uniform we provided you with?” Maverick’s eyes swept over my section of land and puffed out air in exasperation. I was by far the furthest behind.

“I’ll die before I wear trousers, Mav,” I said with a shiver. I’d have to be desperate to wear those drab uniforms Kemper assigned me.

“Always so melodramatic,” he replied and brushed a stray hair from his neck. God, I wish he’d trim it. The long hair was so last season. “Look, I need a favor.”

“A favor or an order?” I asked, my voice cheeky. I absently rubbed my arm. My poor, porcelain skin was covered in peeling, red and pink spots. I was in desperate need of a break from the sun. And an aloe bath.

“Can it be both? Can you just for once have enough respect for me to do what I tell you?” Maverick pleaded, grabbing the scythe Becca left behind, before making quick work of harvesting my section. I bit back a smile. He just couldn’t help but clean up my messes.

“Can you respect me enough to ask?” I sat down and began biting my nails. “You never ask. You and Cyler just order me around. Never listening to what I want.” I had years of bottled up anger just waiting to be unleashed on him.

“Working in the gardens is your punishment,” Maverick began. “A jailer doesn’t ask their prisoner if they're ok with being in prison.”

Always the philosopher. I cringed at his analogy and the accuracy of it.

“Is that what I am now? A prisoner?” I asked.

He cut down another section of wheat. “No. You’re our sister. We just want you to become a decent human being, Jules.” He paused and wiped his brow all while I lazily watched.

“I need you to bring something important to our new Scavengers—" Maverick continued before I cut him off.

“First Walkers, now Scavengers? Goodness Maverick, are we just letting anyone into Dormas now?” I asked while continuing to bite my nails. This was Copyright 2016 - 2024