Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,339

we left. Hux aimed at the Walker, but they were moving too much to get a clear shot. Another Walker was stalking closer, his head bent at an odd angle as bursting boils on his arms oozed puss and dark blood. “Watch out!” I screamed just in time for Huxley to turn around and aim Heat at the wandering Walker. These men were more aggressive than others, mindlessly clawing at the world, their nails like infected knives. One prick could kill us all. Huxley aimed and fired, making the Walker’s body erupt into nothing but dust and decay, coating our bodies with the sandy remains.

Shit. My men couldn’t get close. Kemper and I were the only ones immune. I grabbed the knife from my boot and ran towards Maverick as the same Walker that had attacked me kept pulling back and leaning forward to punch him. He was still too close for Huxley to get a clear shot. Kemper surged towards him, yanking Maverick out of the way before hitting the Walker in the jaw. I launched myself at the Walker’s back before he could go back to fighting Maverick, and wrapped my arms around his neck, dragging the blade along his jugular with one skilled swipe. All those lessons with Huxley had paid off.

The infected Walker collapsed, and I fell with him. Maverick took a step back, staggering a bit as he wiped the blood from his lip.

Not his blood.

The Walker’s dark blood.

I stood up and looked around, the infected blood covering my skin and clothes. “Everyone stand back!” I screamed. “Maverick we need to find a stream. Now. We have to wash that off of you.”

“It’’s too late,” Maverick stuttered while staring at his fingers, like the boils from X would suddenly start appearing.

“It’s not too late. Kemper, find me a stream. We have five minutes to wash off. Now!” I screamed, working everyone into action. Jacob rushed forward to pick up Cyler and drag his heavy body away from the puddle of blood collecting in the grass from the dead Walker. Kemper scrolled through his tablet then looked up.

“We have to run. Follow me.”

I glanced at Maverick, giving him a steely look of determination before nodding once. At my slight movement, Kemper took off. I pounded my feet into the dirt, my lungs bursting from the adrenaline and fear as I chased after Kemper. He weaved through the woods with skill and ease, using his tablet as a guide.

“Right!” Kemper yelled.

We eased right.

“Forward ten meters!” he screamed even louder, his lean, long legs straining as he chased the source of water. I could hear the stream in the distance. We were so close. So fucking close.

Hold on, Maverick.

We ran until there was nothing left of us. And the moment we saw the stream, we each stripped out of our outfits and plunged into the water, submerging our naked bodies completely. I knew I was immune, but I couldn’t risk getting the infected blood on anyone else.

Please work. Please, please work.

The river was lazy, but at the riverbed, the force of the water was incredibly strong. I dug my feet into the bottom, curling my toes on the rocks as Maverick stood in front of me. He scrubbed at his skin with frantic movements, using the gritty sand as an exfoliant to get the remains off of him. I emerged from the water and gasped for air before going back under. I grabbed sand and ran it along his body, making sure every inch of skin was clear.

Sometime during my frantic scrubbing, Maverick went still. We were both underwater, and I watched as his face slipped into something that looked a little too much like acceptance. Cupping my cheeks, he guided us both to break the water's surface. And the moment I gasped for air, he crashed his lips to mine.

I wasn't sure when I started sobbing into his mouth, but my chest rattled with the sadness I felt. Maverick saved me from the Walker that had caught us off guard, and would likely start showing signs of X soon. He cupped the back of my head, crashing our bodies together, and I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss, our bodies moving like water against one another.

"Don't cry," he pleaded against my lips. I could feel the pain between us. He started stroking my spine, kissing me so deeply, so hard that I felt like we were the same person. He pulled away for Copyright 2016 - 2024