Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,303

our sights, Ash.”

He wasn’t wrong. Since everything that had happened recently, our group had solidified in ways that I still was learning to process. We weren’t challenging the dynamic, and I couldn’t remember the last time I felt remorse or guilt about allowing them to share me. It had become our new normal, I guess.

“You do realize that Huxley and Cyler snore. And Patrick is a compulsive cuddler. Huxley would probably wake up with his twin spooning him.” I laughed at that visual while trying to keep my eyes peeled. Despite the lightheartedness of our conversation, I still felt on edge.

“Fair enough. But I’ll be sneaking into your room every chance I get,” Jacob said, but it felt like an incomplete thought. His mindspeak started counting numbers like he was trying to avoid me hearing his other unfiltered thoughts. It was a trick he’d picked up, and I was beginning to hate counting.

“Why are you counting, Jacob?” I asked teasingly.

“I don’t want you to hear all the things I want to do to you, five, six, seven…”

“Payne will need his own room, too,” I began, hoping to change the subject if only to stop having to hear the monotone counting.

"I have no idea how we are gonna find him. Or even if we will find him," Jacob’s mindspeak replied. Again, I found his honesty refreshing, but it still hurt to hear. I could've used some of Patrick's optimism then.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry, Ash. I wish I could control the stupid thing better. Sometimes I wonder if you miss the sound of my voice," Jacob added before slapping his forehead and ripping the mindspeak out of his ear.

I grabbed his hand. "I miss your voice," I replied. "You had this flirty, easy way of talking that just instantly made me like you. But I like that you can't hide behind a flirty smile now. I like knowing what's on your mind. Even if it's hard to hear."

Jacob and I were heading towards the end of the concrete street when I noticed movement ahead of us in a decrepit building to our right. It was nothing but a brief flash, but my time living in the camp taught me to notice such things. I reached out and grabbed Jacob's arm before lifting my free hand up and holding it to my lips, urging him to keep quiet. "Movement," I mouthed, and he pocketed his mindspeak to prevent it from speaking and giving away our location, assuming whoever was up there didn't already know that we were here.

I mentally made a note of how far away the others were, realizing that they would be able to hear us if we screamed. We'd have to hold our own for a little while, but they could get here in a hurry if necessary. Pulling Jacob behind me, I eased us towards a concrete building to our right with cracks up and down the side of it.

Sliding us into the shadows, I pressed my body as close to the side as I could while looking where I noticed the movement before. Since Cavil's death, there had been other groups trying to take control of the empire. Everyone either wanted a piece of the pie or recognition for saving us all.

Then there were people like us, those who just wanted to survive. "Look," I urged in a low whisper while staring towards the dilapidated building with a door hanging off the hinges. Just as I said that, another movement caught my eye. There was definitely a person there. I thought I saw a flash of white hair, but I wasn't sure. During the end of the world, it was everyone for themselves.

"Get Cyler," Jacob mouthed while nodding back towards where we came from. I stopped staring at the occupied building for a moment to look back at where we were. It wasn't too far, we could make it. I swallowed just as I felt the sharp point of a knife at my neck.


Jacob looked fiercely at whoever was on the other side of me holding me at the end of their blade. One swallow, one slight movement, and I'd be dead. Jacob knew it. I knew it. And the person currently holding me against the blade knew it, too. "We don't mean any harm," I whispered, knowing that if I raised my voice, it could startle them. It was a tricky situation. "We were just looking for shelter and supplies; we will leave your land in peace," Copyright 2016 - 2024