Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,277

a scientist in Cavil’s employment, and his studies flourished under Cavil’s careful guidance and tutelage.” Oh God. Maverick. Cavil was going to kill Maverick, and I was going to have to watch.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I furiously wiped them away. I tried to pay attention to the words coming from the speaker's mouth, but I couldn’t help but stare at Maverick. I took in the gentle way his lips pursed while staring at me. His reddish-brown hair. The way his shoulders stood tall and proud, despite knowing that the world was resting upon them. Beside him, Cyler was fuming with anger. Was this my fault? Did they somehow learn that I was with Maverick last night? Did I somehow kill the man I loved?

“This man was gifted with learning from the emperor, and he betrayed our ruler, our people, and our empire.”

I made the decision right there to watch. I knew that seeing Maverick executed would be a sight that haunted me for years to come, but if I’d learned anything from the last five months, it’s that the only emotion worth clinging to is anger, everything else gets you hurt.

“This scientist abused the privilege of working closely with Cavil and consorted with an enemy,” the man said.

I couldn’t breathe as the man growled into the mic, making sure to emphasize his fury. “Huxley, do something,” I whispered under my breath. I didn’t know where he was, but certainly, there was something we could do. Wasn’t there anything we could do?

Jacob held my hand, but his grip was tight. I tore my eyes from Maverick for a brief moment to search the crowd for Huxley. Jacob was on full alert, side-eyeing the crowd, looking for a way out.

“Executioner!” the man yelled. The echoes of his voice bounced off the abandoned shacks in the Zone. “Bring forth our traitor!” I couldn’t swallow. Couldn’t move. I watched the stage as the executioner disappeared behind the tall, black curtains. Pulsing with fear and adrenaline, the rapid beat of my heart made me dizzy with helplessness and dread. When the curtain was pushed back, I watched as the executioner shoved forward a masked man that stumbled and fell to his knees.

I let out a hiss of hope, then immediately felt guilty. What kind of person had I become? Did it make me like him—like Cavil—to prioritize my own family over that of a stranger? They ripped the burlap hood from the man’s head, and I let out a small gasp once I saw who the unlucky man beneath the mask was.

“Allaire?” I whispered in disbelief. I hadn’t thought of him since fleeing Ethros. The scientist had helped us once. And now he was about to die—and I was thankful for it.

“The official scientist of Ethros was caught giving rejection cures to members of the Elite without giving them a fetter!” the speaker of this deadly rally screamed into his microphone, his words a toxic, garbled mess of syllables and spit. I focused on Maverick and Cyler.

“Allaire, do you accept your punishment?” he asked.

A small moan escaped Allaire’s chest as he crawled towards Cavil, kneeling at his feet.

The announcer bent over, then held the microphone to his mouth so we could all hear how he bowed to Cavil’s authority. His lips touched Cavil’s boots, and I forced myself to separate the man before us from the man that I met in Ethros. Although I didn’t know him well, it was still difficult to absorb what would happen next. I wondered who he risked giving the rejection cure to.

“I’m so sorry, Emperor Cavil. I’m unworthy. You control all life. You control the cure. I’m so sorry.” His sniffles and sobs were too much. I shut my eyes for the briefest moments. I tried to imagine myself back in Dormas. Back at the bakery or my bedroom. If I didn’t disassociate, I would do something stupid—like scream at Cavil and attack the stage.

“You’ve failed me. And now that I have a better scientist at my side, I am no longer in need of your services,” Cavil said.

He didn’t bother to stand from his seat, but he still addressed us. Crossing his legs, Cavil leaned back in his chair while lazily holding his microphone. “May this be a lesson to all of you. Do not try to sneak around my rules. I will end anyone or anything that gets in my way.”

Cavil then shifted to the side as Allaire continued to grovel and beg forgiveness. I Copyright 2016 - 2024