Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,26

were six slots for them.

I made my way towards the kitchen and was surprised to find Maverick slumped over at the kitchen table observing something on his tablet intently. I coughed to make my presence known, and he turned to look at me.

“Oh, Ashleigh. I see you’ve found the clothes we set aside for you.” He swallowed deeply while his eyes drank in my appearance. “I know that Galla fashion is more conservative in nature, so if you feel uncomfortable, we are happy to find clothes that fit your tastes. Those were left behind by Jules, and I think you’ll find them to be more fitting for the hot weather,” he explained.

Knowing that the dress I wore belonged to Mistress Black, suddenly made me uncomfortable. I felt a frown kiss my lips, which caused Maverick to look at me curiously.

“Actually, would you mind coming here for a moment?” He gestured for me to sit next to him, and I obediently obliged. Maverick opened up another screen on his tablet, and I leaned over to inspect what it was he wanted to show me.

“I was able to recover some footage from the ambush,” he explained. “I was curious how they were able to get inside. The doors on our trains always remained locked, but I was able to find that before the security feed cut, one of the guards opened the door.”

I watched the screen, and sure enough, a large man with a hidden face opened the door to the last train. I gasped.

“I was wondering if you remembered this man at all?” he asked. He rewound the video multiple times, while I observed quietly. I tried to jog my memory, but the man, although oddly familiar, didn’t necessarily look like anyone I knew. I shook my head no in frustration.

“Could he be a scavenger?” I asked. Scavengers were people that lived on the outskirts of the empire, in the deadlands—a forest where nuclear waste turned everything toxic.

“It’s very possible,” Maverick replied.

So, someone on the inside was a traitor, which made life at the Dormas province much less safe.

Maverick got up from the table and began making two sandwiches. I watched as he painstakingly sliced thick cuts of yellow cheese, lettuce, onion, and meat. I once again stared at the image of the guard that let in the scavengers.

“Where were the other guards during this time?” I asked casually. “If you can narrow down where everyone else was, maybe you can figure out who it was that let them in.”

“Ah, excellent idea,” Maverick replied while walking over a plate full of food to me. “Unfortunately, that was the only feed I was able to recover. It would seem that the stream was corrupted,” he said with disappointment. “Now, eat. I noticed you hardly touched what Kemp brought you earlier. Your blood sugar was incredibly low when you collapsed on the train.”

I leaned forward and gingerly took a bite of the giant sandwich. “Are you a healer?” I asked.

“Not really. My Dad was the healer. I studied under him until he died.” He shrugged. “I know the basics, but in more extreme situations we have to call over a healer from a neighboring province. Luckily, our new fortune has allowed us to buy more equipment for our clinic, so I’m hoping to be more self-sufficient soon.”

I nodded in understanding. Something told me that Maverick was modest in his abilities. “Where is it that I am to sleep? I didn’t notice if you had Walker Quarters or not.” I wanted to move my belongings and look over the tablet that Josiah slipped into my messenger bag the day I left.

“We wanted to let you decide. My brothers and I sleep in the bedrooms upstairs. The room you were just in is Cyler’s,” he explained. “You are welcome to stay in our downstairs bedroom, or Kemper suggested having a guest house built for you in the back.”

I was shocked by their generosity and kindness. Any room in this house would be a step above the dark and damp basement at the Stonewells.

“Oh, please tell Kemper not to go to any trouble for me,” I exclaimed, causing Maverick to laugh.

“From the way he was looking at you, I doubt it would be any trouble at all,” he joked, causing me to blush.

“I’ll gladly take the downstairs bedroom. And if you find my presence in your household to be too much of a disturbance, I’ll happily move to whichever location you deem appropriate,” I offered.

“Yeah, you’re Copyright 2016 - 2024