Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,253

been able to get notes to Maverick.” Madam B’s tone was bored, and she sipped a drink of something so strong I could smell it from across the room.

Blythe frowned and opened her mouth to speak but, after seeing Huxley’s serious scowl, decided against it.

“Huxley is right. The plan is for Maverick or Cyler to claim Ashleigh for the night should she be called upon. Besides, Cavil will die long before anyone else has a chance to claim her,” Louis said in a matter of fact tone as he descended the stairs. He was absentmindedly typing away on his tablet.

“And how do you plan on doing that?” Kemper asked.

“Jade is going to stab him,” he said nonchalantly as if it were an easy solution.

I looked to the blue-haired woman once more, this time truly assessing her. She didn’t look like someone capable of murdering. “Can you handle that?” I asked.

“Better believe it. I’ve been buttering that man up for weeks. He’ll claim me for the night, no doubt about it. Then I’ll slice his throat. Or puncture his heart, I haven’t quite decided yet.” Something about her statement had me feeling envious again. I’d wondered what had happened to me to make me have so much bloodlust.

“I’m sorry, but that seems like a stupid idea. Guards will be watching. There’s no way you’ll get away with that,” Huxley replied in disbelief. Would guards be in the room with them when...

“Jade and the others have been training with Tallis. They’ll be prepared when the time comes.”

“So why do you need me?”

It was Jules that answered. She casually strolled into the sitting room and sat down, making sure to prop her feet up on the table. “My brothers can’t remove their fetters until the last possible moment. Because they’re in range, the moment they take the death pill—the medicine I gave you—it’ll alert Cavil. Your job is to get them in the transport, give them the medicine, and get them out of Cavil’s estate the moment their fetters pop off. They’ll be unconscious, or they would do it themselves.”

I nodded in understanding while trying to piece together more of their plan. “And why can’t one of the other girls do that?” Huxley asked.

“Because they each have dignitaries of their own to help escape. We’re having to be very strategic. Cavil hasn’t just been keeping your friends in his control. His tower in Galla is full of people forced to follow him.”

“Except me,” Kaye said. I had almost forgotten she was there. She had drifted off into a corner of the room, quietly observing us. “I’ve been tasked with poisoning members of the guard. I’ve got a sister that works in the kitchens.”

“Poison? Will that kill them?” I asked.

“Yes,” Jade replied. “Is that going to be a problem?”

I thought about her question for a moment. Could I handle knowing that I played a part in killing potentially innocent people? Certainly not all members of Cavil’s army were bad. “Don’t look so upset, dear,” Madam B said. She had abandoned her drink and leaned forward. “Every single one of them is a supporter of Cavil. They like his regime. They want him to succeed. We could kill Cavil, but another man would just slide up to take his place. In order to get past this toxic leadership, we have to kill them all. We aren’t like Cavil. We don’t kill needlessly. The idea is to save the human race.”

I felt calmed by Madam B’s words, despite the gnawing sense of dread in my chest. I wanted revenge, but I couldn’t help but feel like the price of doing this would be on my conscience. “I can handle it,” I finally whispered as Jade gave me a side hug.

Pacified, the guys leaned back as the Companions continued to fire questions at me. One by one, they gave me scenarios they'd experienced, asking what I would do.

"What if your Elite makes a joke at the expense of the emperor? Do you pacify his ego and laugh, or do you keep quiet?" Blythe asked. I opened my mouth but stuttered. I wasn't sure what the correct answer was.

"If in public, look at the ground and act like you don't have two brain cells to rub together. If in private, laugh. It's always better if you laugh at their jokes. Men like to have their big egos stroked."

"Are you a virgin? Or have you done nothing but stare longingly across the room at a man?" Blythe asked again Copyright 2016 - 2024