Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,234

it was the only way I could do what I needed to do. You’re no use to the Resistance with a fetter.”

I understood better than anyone that we must do what we can to survive. Some risks are worth the reward. “Thank you,” I said. I appreciated that Jules never held back her punches. She was a realist and stuck to her decisions. I was glad she took the risk because I'm not sure I would’ve ever been free had she waited for the guys to give her the okay. While wrapping my arm around Huxley’s waist, I pulled my body towards his. I knew that he needed to feel me, to ground himself against me.

“You’re welcome,” Jules choked out before lifting her chin up and straightening her spine once more. Patrick and Kemper gaped at her as she walked proudly towards the meeting. They saw a heartless woman, but I saw the truth—she was just a girl doing what she had to do.

The hazy green smoke of the fire filled the space as the Scavenger elders and Aarav entered. Jules sat across from us alone until, to my surprise, Linda Stonewell joined her. Linda sauntered over to Jules while scowling at me. I was sure she had to get her own water today and was not amused by my absence. Death wasn’t an excuse.

When she settled by Jules, they didn’t acknowledge one another. I often wondered if Linda Stonewell regretted bringing Jules Black into her life. It was her arranged marriage with Josiah that led to the sequence of events that caused Josiah’s death. Even so, they sat side-by-side in wordless solidarity. Despite Jules’ new infatuation with the Resistance, Linda Stonewell still viewed her as an Elite. It made me wonder if she shared Cavil’s views on a person’s breeding surpassing all. According to him, a person's worth was dependent on their ability to afford the cure.

Aarav made his way towards the fire, ignoring the huffs of Mistress Stonewell’s disapproval at his bare feet and torso. She made it very clear what she thought of the Scavenger way of life. Linda couldn't see the beauty in their simplistic approach to living.

Just as Aarav opened his mouth to speak, it dawned on me that people from every class were here.





“These new guests have raised some security concerns for our people,” Aarav explained. He gestured behind him to a row of elders with stoic expressions. “We feel that if you can be so easily found, then it is no longer safe for you to stay here.”

I wasn’t surprised. Our time in the deadlands was limited. In a way, I was happy that Jules and Mia found us. I was tired of feeling stuck in limbo.

“However, we do see the value in supporting your cause. We would like to listen to your plan for ending Cavil’s reign. Then, we will make a decision about our involvement which will mutually benefit everyone. We want to know how best to support you all while protecting our community."

Spoken like a true politician. The way Aarav commanded a space almost reminded me of Cyler. Aarav turned to stare at Jules who preened under the attention. “I guess it’s my turn then?” she asked while standing.

Flipping her hair over her shoulder, she made her way towards the fire, stopping at Aarav to place her palm on his chest and bow, a sign I’d learned meant respect. She mastered the move effortlessly as if the Scavenger way of life had become second nature to her during our time apart.

“Tallis of the Western Scavenger camp is recruiting a team of the best fighters to bring down Cavil from within. We are using a brothel in the Zone to infiltrate his home. At the end of the month, a small team of Companions is going to kill Cavil in his tower in Galla.”

“A brothel?” Huxley asked.

“Walker Companions have more access than members of the Elite. They’re with Cavil and his team of soldiers when they are their most vulnerable.” It was brilliant, actually. Who else could slip under Cavil's radar?

“We’re working with a woman, Madam B. She has been very instrumental. Her girls exchange intelligence between our people. But lately, Cavil has been more picky about who he is letting into his home. With the cure becoming obsolete, only immune Walker Companions are allowed.”

I’m immune. This was my chance!

“Yes, little Walker,” Jules said, rolling her eyes. “This means you get to finally join the adults and help.” I was almost Copyright 2016 - 2024