Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,230

once was. "It's really gone?" I asked. Somehow, this felt like a trick. Like the empire was playing one giant joke on me, and Cavil would pop out from under my bed to clamp a new one right back on.

"She's insane!" Lilly added, throwing her hands up. “They took her to the solitude cage for review, and she didn't even bat an eye. In fact, she almost looked pleased to be punished for killing you!"

I turned to look at the bed beside me and smiled when I saw Mia shuffling beneath her blankets. "Agapimenos has some balls," Mia said, her voice hoarse, and the moment sound escaped her lips, Lilly fluttered over towards her, bending over to check her wound and fever.

"Hey there, Agrio, long time no see," Mia finally said once Lilly mumbled to herself something about “crazy visitors” and went back to mixing another one of her concoctions.

"Mia," I cooed while sitting up. Payne got off of my lap, and I shifted to place my feet on the floor of the tent. "How are you?"

She flashed me her signature sharp-toothed smile, but it looked weak and half-hearted. "I've been better. But that sexy leader you've got is making me feel much better," she replied while throwing her hand up to her face in mock-swoon.

"Glad to hear you're making new friends and not throwing knives at the locals," I joked, thinking back to her aptitude with weapons.

"No, it would seem that Jules is the one angering the locals. I'm pretty impressed that she killed you. I thought for sure she'd at least talk to you first. But no! She went for the sneak attack." Mia then wiped away a tear that hadn't fallen. "I'm so proud."

Payne giggled at Mia, and she flashed him a teasing smile and a wink. I was about to ask where she got that medicine to temporarily kill someone, but the tent door opened, interrupting us.

"Ash?" Kemper asked, slumping with relief once he saw me. "Jules is damn lucky you woke up." Kemper made his way over to me and sat down on the cot. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he gave me a side hug before kissing my forehead.

"I could have done without the theatrics, but look," I said, holding up my bare wrist. "I'm fetter free!" It felt like I was significantly lighter. I didn't realize how much of a weight the fetter was. It was an invisible cage, reminding me of my time in Ethros. Reminding me of all I'd lost. I’d accepted that the fetter was just another consequence of Cavil. I even learned to avoid staring at the shiny metal wrapped tightly around my wrist. But now that it was gone, I noticed it more than when I’d actually worn it.

"Jules knew your bodyguards would never risk letting you take medicine that could potentially kill you," Mia said with a wave of her hand. "I was the one that suggested she just shove it in your mouth. I just didn't expect her to actually do it." Mia chuckled before coughing and gripping her chest. Lilly gave her a scowl, as if daring her to laugh again on her watch. The strict healer was not docile. She was crazy passionate and devoted to her patients.

Kemper went rigid beside me. "You're lucky you're still recovering, Mia," Kemper said, his voice carrying a hard edge that I hadn't expected from him. "I respect you and your brother, but I'd lock you in with Jules for this stunt."

"And I'd gladly accept my punishment. Sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than permission, huh? There are much bigger problems at stake. The risk was worth it."

I stared at Mia, looking into her deep brown eyes for a moment as her playful grin turned serious. She was always wild, but there was a maturity about her. What had happened these last five months?

Kemper spoke again while rubbing circles on my shoulder with his fingers. "We have a meeting in three hours with Aarav and the camp elders. They want to discuss why you're here and the safety of the camp. I'm happy to see you, but it's brought up some concerns about us being here."

"We won't be here long," Mia replied cryptically.

"You're not going anywhere," Lilly interrupted. Payne had moved to the floor, and she had him stripping the leaves off a plant. "You're in no condition to be walking around—at least not until your fever is down." Lilly crossed her tattooed arms over her chest. Copyright 2016 - 2024