Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,216

This was lightning. Burning and striking me. This pain devoured.

I met my threshold of pain, and at the point right between freedom and excruciating anguish, there was a brief flash of a familiar smile and a bright light of comforting peace. Maybe the night had finally taken its toll on me, the pain, trauma and injuries. But in that moment, I saw Josiah. He looked like the boy from my childhood, then he was gone. The only sound I heard was Linda Stonewell's laughter at my pain as the empire went black.

Chapter Twenty-Four

" Josiah!" I called out playfully as he tackled me to the ground. We'd been playing tag all afternoon while Mistress Stonewell was away at tea. He tickled me mercilessly until tears filled my eyes.

"Princesses don't cry," he giggled before running off towards the bright sunshine.

The room I woke up in was strangely decorated. It smelled of smoke, and the bed was stiff. I wiggled my toes, testing my muscle soreness, but no feeling came.

"You won't feel anything for a few more hours. I made sure to keep up the dosage so your body could recover," a gravelly voice said. I turned my neck, the movement making my brain feel heavy. My vision cleared, and a woman with long white hair came into focus. She was older, but had a youthful smile.

"I'm happy to see that you're okay. Let me get the others, they've been anxious to speak to you."

She escaped through a tent flap, and within seconds, Patrick entered. His facial hair had grown-in some, and his shirt was covered in dust .

"Oh, sweetie, you have no idea how happy I am to see those gorgeous hazel eyes of yours," he said while kneeling beside the low bed, close to me.

"What happened?" I asked. My voice was deep from tiredness.

Patrick's face turned to a mask of steel emotions as Kemper and Huxley entered the tent. I watched as they both exhaled in relief, then quickly jumped to join Patrick on the floor beside me.

"Where is Cyler? Maverick? Jacob?" I asked as tears filled my eyes. Some small part of me knew where they were. Would I ever not feel worry or sadness? Would we ever be together again?

I looked between the three of them; half of my heart was in this room, and the other half was unaccounted for. Patrick pulled a sheet of paper from his breast pocket and handed it to me.

"Cyler wanted me to give you this, Ash." I let out a harsh cry as I grabbed it. I lay in bed, holding the paper over my head as I unfolded it. My arms felt like noodles, and twice my hands fell to my chest, as if too weak to hold them up. I cursed my body. Kemper gently took the paper from my hands before reading the note aloud to me.


A better man wouldn't tell you this in a note, but I've never been good. Maybe that’s why I fell so hard for you—to the world I was an imposter. A shitty leader in a forgotten province. But I saw my potential in your gaze, and I think I'll miss that most.

I've never been a good brother. Never been a good son. One day, if I'm lucky enough to see your smile again, I'll tell you about it. But I couldn't leave Jules in Ethros. She was too sick to move, and I had to do this one thing for her. I know that if anyone understands, it’s you. I'm so sorry, Babe.

Fuck, I wanted to love you forever. Maybe I'm a fool, but I already knew how I wanted to propose to you. I would have gladly gotten down on one knee in the treehouse my father built, then given you a lifetime of love. And I'm so sorry I can't do that for you now. Everything feels so uncertain, but one thing is for sure. You're going to be okay. I feel it in my gut. And it’s the only solace I have when I think about the future I gave up when deciding to stay.

Maverick says we'll get out of this. He's convinced he'll save Jules and find our way back to you. But I'm not so optimistic. So I'm writing this to let you know that our connection will always tether my heart to yours. Please honor me by living your life. Love deeply, Babe. You deserve it.


I let out a slow exhale as I realized what this meant. Copyright 2016 - 2024