Wings of the Walker - CoraLee June Page 0,194

eyes carefully stared at me. He bent over and kissed the inside of my knee while pressing my legs further apart.

"I wanted to do this in the treehouse," he whispered before trailing his tongue up the inside of my thigh. He paused, and anticipation made my spine tingle as he breathed in my scent.

"I've wanted this sweet little treat for so long." His words ignited my blood and roared through my consciousness, burning down my defenses. I wanted him. I wanted him now .

His velvet tongue dipped and tasted me. It flicked up and down, and I devoured each sensation. Part of me wanted to close my eyes and revel in how purely pleasurable it felt. But I also wanted to watch. I lifted up on my forearms and dropped my thighs open wider. I was fascinated by the way his tongue worshipped the most intimate parts of me. His eyes were closed, and his little moans of pleasure made all my insecurities fade away. He was enjoying this. It was like I was a bite of cake, and he wanted to savor each and every bite.

He circled his tongue around, and I bucked from the sensation. His hands held my thighs down so I couldn’t squirm away again. It was like every cell in my body was pleading for pleasure. I couldn't keep still. My legs started to shake, and I let out a small whimper, not caring who could hear.

The moment the sound escaped, Cyler pulled back with a too pleased smile. "You're supposed to keep quiet, Babe," he scolded. I liked the authority in his voice. I liked it a little too much.

"I'll try," I whispered obediently, and once again, Cyler paused, peering at me with his knowing eyes.

"Do you like it when I tell you what to do, Ash?" he asked in a low voice. Too embarrassed to answer, I nodded yes.

"Say it," he ordered.

"I like it when you tell me what to do," I said in a shaky voice while silently pleading for him to go back to working that sweet humming pleasure out of me.

He placed his hands on both thighs and dug his fingers into my skin, deep enough so that I felt a light pressure, but not too hard that it hurt.

"Don't make a sound," he ordered before lowering once again.

A moan caught in my throat, and I tried to contain the building pressure. I bit my lip and crawled my fingers towards Cyler before diving into his thick head of hair while lightly pushing so he could feel what I needed. I needed more. Harder. Faster.

I knew we were on the edge of oblivion, I couldn't help but moan out his name while he lapped up every ounce of me. Bliss. Pure, unadulterated, bliss . I tensed then gave into the uninhibited release of control, of self-consciousness, of everything.

Once my blood stopped pumping in my ears, I relaxed each of my muscles. Cyler lifted himself up and pulled my dress back down. "I thought I told you to keep quiet," he said in a stern voice, but the smile on his face didn't fool me, he liked the uncontrollable sounds that snuck past my lips.

"Do you think they heard?" I whispered while looking around the room.

"Does it matter if they did? I heard about what happened with Maverick and Jacob, Babe." His eyes were light and playful as he lay down.

"You heard?" I asked while fighting through the lust I still felt. I started imagining ways I could help him feel good, too.

"We tell each other everything. No details, of course. In order for this to work, we can't have secrets," Cyler explained.

"When did you even talk about that?!" I asked incredulously. It seemed like there was no time to discuss things. It just sort of happened. I guess they’d been working through these new developments behind the scenes.

"Babe, we discussed it right after it happened. Once Patrick knew all bets were off, we had to stop him from running to you in the Walker quarters to confess his love," he chuckled.

"I wouldn’t have minded," I replied while trying to be present with Cyler and not think of all the possibilities between Patrick and me.

I rolled over and rested my head on my hand while looking him in the eye. "Can I uh..." I offered while trailing off, still not exactly sure what to do, but willing to learn.

"I would like nothing more than to continue this, but I have very Copyright 2016 - 2024